Into Samenvattingen, Aantekeningen en Examens

Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Into? Op deze pagina vind je 9536 samenvattingen over Into.

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Sport and Performance Psychology. All articles summarized. Populair
  • Sport and Performance Psychology. All articles summarized.

  • Samenvatting • 83 pagina's • 2023
  • This summary is a complete view of Sport and Performance Psychology. It contains all the articles that are part of the examination of year . A focus is layed on the background, methods, discussion and all key aspects of the articles, formatted into a clear and concise textframe.
  • €8,44
  • 22x verkocht
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LJU4801 portfolio exam due 25 October 2023 Populair
  • LJU4801 portfolio exam due 25 October 2023

  • Samenvatting • 11 pagina's • 2023 Populair
  • LJU4801 October 25th Portfolio Exam Anwers Question 1 Read the following scenario and answer the questions set out below: In 2011 the Constitutional Court heard the case of The Citizen 1978 (Pty) Ltd and Others v McBride (CCT 23/10) 2011 (4) SA 191 (CC). This was a defamation case brought by Robert McBride against the Citizen newspaper. He alleged that they had defamed him. The Newspaper believed that the comments were covered by freedom of expression. In the Co...
  • €5,22
  • 15x verkocht
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Landscape is passing into language - Poem Analysis
  • Landscape is passing into language - Poem Analysis

  • Samenvatting • 3 pagina's • 2024
  • Landscape is passing into language by Gabeba Baderoon. Colourful and compact poem analysis. Past papers used.
  • €2,61
  • 8x verkocht
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I look into my glass by Thomas Hardy Poem Analysis.
  • I look into my glass by Thomas Hardy Poem Analysis.

  • Samenvatting • 5 pagina's • 2024
  • I look into my glass by Thomas Hardy Poem Analysis. Colorful and compact poem analysis. Past papers used
  • €2,61
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25th October Exam Answers LJU4801 Portfolio (Footnotes and Bibliography Included)
  • 25th October Exam Answers LJU4801 Portfolio (Footnotes and Bibliography Included)

  • Samenvatting • 23 pagina's • 2023
  • LJU4801 Portfolio Answers 25th October Exam 2023 (Footnotes and Bibliography Included). The answers provided are in depth and a lot of research has gone into this (Relevant case laws, prescribed book, past tutorials etc). This will ensure you get a distinction. All the best! Sources cited, footnotes and bibliography included.
  • €2,61
  • 251x verkocht
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All definitions of the terms and concepts for the introduction into criminology exam All definitions of the terms and concepts for the introduction into criminology exam
  • All definitions of the terms and concepts for the introduction into criminology exam

  • Samenvatting • 16 pagina's • 2023
  • In this document all the terms and concepts posted on blackboard that you have to know for the exam of 'introduction into criminology' are defined and explained. Chapter 1 through 12 .
  • €6,00
  • 4x verkocht
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KOM samenvatting Kwalitatief, Correlationeel, Experimenteel en Integriteit - ALLE STOF VOOR EINDTOETS KOM (eerste twee hoofdstukken ook voor tussentoets)
  • KOM samenvatting Kwalitatief, Correlationeel, Experimenteel en Integriteit - ALLE STOF VOOR EINDTOETS KOM (eerste twee hoofdstukken ook voor tussentoets)

  • Samenvatting • 36 pagina's • 2022
  • Deze samenvatting is alle stof voor de afsluitende toets (eerste twee hoofdstukken zijn voor de tussentoets) van KOM. Het is een Nederlandse samenvatting en daarnaast heeft het ook de belangrijke info van de grasple lessen. Boek: Morling, B. & Carr, D. et al. (2022). Introduction to and Application of Research Methods and Statistics. Universiteit Utrecht. Norton. ISBN 978-1-324-02429-3
  • €6,83
  • 29x verkocht
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Reggae Sounds - Linton Kwesi Johnson
  • Reggae Sounds - Linton Kwesi Johnson

  • Samenvatting • 3 pagina's • 2023
  • Reggae Sounds - Linton Kwesi Johnson Analysing the poem and background information.
  • €3,39
  • 3x verkocht
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INTO leerstof tentamen blok 1 tourism management
  • INTO leerstof tentamen blok 1 tourism management

  • Samenvatting • 18 pagina's • 2023
  • In dit document heb ik mijn aantekeningen van de hoorcolleges, presentaties en het boek wereld van toerisme gecombineerd tot een samenvatting die beschikt over alle leerstof van INTO blok 1.
  • €5,99
  • 1x verkocht
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Summary 'Introduction into criminology (Murphy)' RGBUSTR007 UU Summary 'Introduction into criminology (Murphy)' RGBUSTR007 UU
  • Summary 'Introduction into criminology (Murphy)' RGBUSTR007 UU

  • Samenvatting • 24 pagina's • 2023
  • Finished this course with an 8! This is a summery of Murphy's book: 'Criminology, a contemporary introduction' (1419), together with a summary of three obligatory readings for the exam of the course RGBUSTR007 Introduction Criminology Social Science (minor UU). The most important theories and concepts you need to know for the exam are fully covered.
  • €6,99
  • 10x verkocht
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Commercial Law Units 1-9 FULL EXAM NOTES
  • Commercial Law Units 1-9 FULL EXAM NOTES

  • Samenvatting • 51 pagina's • 2023
  • This document provides full notes to use as revision or take into the exam with you on units 1-9 Commercial Law at the University of Law. These notes have been made using the LPC Buddy notes and textbook: 'Commercial and Intellectual Property Law and Practice 2023'. Includes a summary of all 9 units, exam structure for questions, example questions and answers. Easy to use and get top marks.
  • €12,13
  • 19x verkocht
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