Modern capitalism - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Modern capitalism? Op deze pagina vind je 9 samenvattingen over Modern capitalism.
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Midterm Exam Readings Summary
- Samenvatting • 10 pagina's • 2023
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- €9,49
- 1x verkocht
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Readings covered: 
Introduction, Waltz (1959) 
Here's Why Mearsheimer's Realist Take is So Exasperating, Pepinksy (2022) 
Global International Relations and Regional Worlds, Acharya (2014) 
Theoretical Perspectives of Global Political Economy, O'Brien and Williams (2016) 
Social Forces, States, and World Orders, Cox (1981) 
Anarchy is What States Make of it, Wendt (1992) 
Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and Politics of Identity, Campbell (1998) 
Is something rotten in the st...

Political Economy full summary
- Samenvatting • 78 pagina's • 2024
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- €5,99
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This summary contains notes from all the lectures the University of Amsterdam gave for its Political Economy course (FY) 
Description given by the University: The position of Political Economy (PE) within the Political Science programme is twofold. Firstly, PE is seen as the component of the discipline that studies government policy in relation to ‘the economy’, including delegated policy that is formed or implemented by supranational or international organisations such as the European Uni...

Global History Notes on Readings - GRADE 8,5
- Samenvatting • 62 pagina's • 2022
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- €6,99
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Summary of the material for the final exam (2022) for Global History. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 62 pages): 
George Lawson’s article (2010) “The eternal divide? History and International Relations”. 
Stephen Howe’s book (2002) “Empire: A Very Short Introduction”, chapter 1. 
Peter Frankopan’s book (2015) “The Silk Roads: A New History of the World”, preface. 
Charles H. Parker’s book (2012) “Global Interactions in the Early Modern Age, 1400-1800”, introduction. 

In-Depth Strategy Design Study Guide
- Samenvatting • 75 pagina's • 2023
- €10,49
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This summary/self-made coursebook comprehensively covers the basics of strategic management, business modeling, Blue Ocean Strategy, and contemporary topics like Capitalism 2.0 and Design Thinking. The guide also delves into futuristic concepts such as 'The Day After Tomorrow', encompassing discussions on AI, IoT, and Quantum Computing. This document serves as a crucial resource for students and professionals looking to deepen their understanding of strategic management in a modern context.

Chapter 3: Capitalism 2.0 & The Day After Tomorrow
- Samenvatting • 12 pagina's • 2023
- €3,49
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The third chapter of "Strategy Design" covers the critical concepts of "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Capitalism 2.0." It delves into the future of businesses in an era of rapid technological advancement and disruptive innovations. The chapter discusses how companies can prepare and adapt to the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow, focusing on the need for long-term strategic thinking. 
Key points of the chapter include: 
1. **The Day After Tomorrow (DAT) Concept**: This section em...

Global Political Economy Exam Preparation questions and answers
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 12 pagina's • 2021
- €4,49
- 11x verkocht
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This document togther with your notes, will fully prepare you for GPE exam. The docu entails 71 exam questions + answers and there's also an open question.

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 239 pagina's • 2022
- €12,49
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 Multiple Choice 
1) Sociology is best described as 
A) The study of personalities 
B) The study of human behavior in society 
C) The study of human genetics 
D) The study of common sense 
Answer: B 
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 5 
Skill: Knowledge 
2) Which sociologist wrote of theȱȈsociological imaginationȈ? 
A) C. Wright Mills B) Karl Marx 
C) Alexis de Tocqueville D) Auguste Comte 
Answer: A 
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 4 
Skill: Knowled...

Benaderingen en Debatten in de Politicologie – samenvattingen deeltentamen 1
- Samenvatting • 29 pagina's • 2018
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- €10,49
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Marsh & Stoker (p. 1-22; H1; H14; H7; 
Kenneth Allan - In the beginning there was modernity
(Jane Bennet - Modernity and its critics)
David Held - Models of Democracy (p.134-138; p.158-165; p.185-190)
Joseph Femia - Mosca Revisited
Eelke Heemskerk & Meindert Fennema – Network Dynamics of the Dutch Business Elite
M. Scott – Seing like a state (hoofdstuk 3: authoritarian high modernism)
S. Boesters et al. – Post 2012 Climate policy scenarios
Heywood – Political ideologies: Introduct...

Samenvatting Hann & Hart - Economic Anthropology
- Samenvatting • 9 pagina's • 2017
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- €3,99
- 9x verkocht
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9 pagina's.

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