Pharmacological - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Pharmacological? Op deze pagina vind je 24 samenvattingen over Pharmacological.
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Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
Laurence Brunton, Bjorn Knollmann
21 documenten
Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care
Bonita E. Broyles, Barry S. Reiss, Peggy S. Denning, Mary E. Evans
9 documenten
Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 13th Edition
Laurence Brunton, Bjorn Knollman, Randa Hilal-Dandan
15 documenten
Goodman and Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 14th Edition
LAURENCE. BRUNTON, Bjorn Knollmann
7 documenten
Goodman and Gilman's Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics Digital Edition
Laurence L. Brunton, Ph.D., John S. Lazo
1 documenten

Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Twelfth Edition
Laurence Brunton, Bjorn Knollman
1 documenten
Pharmacological Treatment of Mental Disorders in Primary Health Care
World Health Organization
1 documenten
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Case 1 till 7 of course Pharmacological Interventions (BBS3016), Biomedical Sciences minor year 3.

College aantekeningen Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology (6463PS025Y)
- College aantekeningen • 45 pagina's • 2023
- €8,99
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
Aantekeningen van alle hoorcolleges van het vak: Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology. Keuzevak bachelor Psychologie jaar 2 of 3 aan Universiteit Leiden. Ook extra informatie over bepaalde onderwerpen.

Summary/Samenvatting IBP - Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology
- Samenvatting • 34 pagina's • 2022
- €7,49
- 8x verkocht
- + meer info
This document has all you need for the exam! It is a large summary of all lectures, articles from the reader and the textbook. 
Dit document heeft alles dat je nodig hebt voor het tentamen! Het is een grote samenvatting van al de colleges, artikelen van de reader en het boek.

Uitgebreide samenvatting van alle colleges/artikels van pharmacological and biological approaches to clinical and health psychology
- College aantekeningen • 50 pagina's • 2023
- €7,49
- 16x verkocht
- + meer info
Deze samenvatting bevat alle colleges. De samenvatting is erg uitgebreid en moeilijke onderwerpen zijn toegelicht met afbeeldingen en extra uitleg. Ook de belangrijkste informatie uit de artikelen is inbegrepen in deze samenvatting.

Extensive summary and class notes of Toxicology and Development (AB_1026) - Minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care
- Samenvatting • 101 pagina's • 2025
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €8,98
- 2x verkocht
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Extensive summary and class notes of the course Toxicology and Development of the minor: Biomedical topics in Health Care. This course studies the impact of substances products used in daily life on human health. Special focus is given to the effects on early development. The course covers all aspects of human toxicology studies. It starts with how we are exposed to compounds in our daily life, followed by, how those compounds cause toxicity and lead to developmental malformations. The social im...

From Pharmacological Mechanisms to Precision Medicine
- Samenvatting • 192 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €8,99
- 2x verkocht
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Summary of all practicals, lectures and cases. Also extensive explanation of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Includes all mechanism of action of important drugs for the exam.

Begrippenlijst P&B van verplichte hoofdstukken
- Overig • 11 pagina's • 2025
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,98
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Dit document bevat alle begrippen zoals genoemd in de verplichte hoofdstukken voor het tentamen. De begrippen staan in het engels end e definitie in het nederlands.

Dietary cholesterol alters Na /K selectivity at intracellular Na /K pump sites in cardiac myocytes
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 8 pagina's • 2024
- €17,09
- + meer info
Dietary cholesterol alters Na /K selectivity at intracellular Na /K pump 
 sites in cardiac myocytes 
 Kerrie A. Buhagiar,1,2 Peter S. Hansen,1,2 Benjamin Y. Kong,3 
 Ronald J. Clarke,3 Clyne Fernandes,1,2 and Helge H. Rasmussen1,2 
 1University of Sydney and 2Department of Cardiology, Royal North Shore Hospital; 
 and 3School of Chemistry, University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, Australia 
 Submitted 12 January 2003; accepted in final form 23 September 2003 
 Buhagiar, Kerrie A., Peter S. Hansen, Be...

3.6C The Brain Theme 3: When Things Go Wrong in the Brain (Summary)
- Samenvatting • 37 pagina's • 2023
- €4,39
- + meer info
Complete summary of the literature for 3.6C "The Brain" Theme 1: Brain Basics for the Psychology "Brain and Cognition" specialisation. The summary covers the following book chapters: 
- Stahl (2000): 
 1. Part of Chapter 4: How synaptic neurotransmission mediates emotional disorders (pg. 105 – 130) 
 2. Part of Chapter 3: Agonists and Antagonists, Allosteric modulation, Co-transmission versus allosteric modulation, (pg 82-98) 
- Stahl, S.M (2008): 
 1. Chapter 7: Circuits in ...

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