Statehood - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Statehood? Op deze pagina vind je 12 samenvattingen over Statehood.
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Public International Law summaries + exam answer structures
- Samenvatting • 42 pagina's • 2024
- €8,99
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
This document contains weekly (7) summary notes for the exam on Public International Law; covering statehood & self-determination, sources of international law, jurisdiction of states & immunities, human rights & maritime law, dispute settlement & use of force and international humanitarian and international criminal law. Each summary is divided in sections of (1) relevant concepts (2) relevant law & cases and (3) answer structures for the exam.

Comprehensive Notes on Global Law: Identity, Continuity, and State Representation in International Law - KU Leuven - Law
- College aantekeningen • 26 pagina's • 2024
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €20,94
- + meer info
Unlock a deep understanding of Global Law with these comprehensive notes on Identity, Continuity, and Representation of States in International Law, prepared from lectures by Prof. Dr. Phoebe Nyawade Okowa. Ideal for students, legal professionals, and researchers, these notes cover: 
- Statehood and Secession: Examining the Montevideo Criteria, self-determination, and the dynamics of state continuity. 
- Recognition and Sovereignty: Insights into constitutive and declaratory theories, recognitio...

Alle Hoorcolleges en Werkgroepen Public International Law
- College aantekeningen • 35 pagina's • 2023
- €8,49
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
In dit document vind je een uitwerking van de in de hoorcolleges behandelde stof en de tijdens de werkgroepen behandelde stof van het vak public international law.

articles, cases, knowledge clips, summary for fundamentals of international law
- Samenvatting • 29 pagina's • 2022
- €7,49
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
this document contains all the relevant information on fundamentals of international law. From knowledge clips, workgroups, articles. All relevant articles are explained in depth in this as well as other knowledge. This is useful for papers or exams. I received an 8 for both int law paper as well as for the midterm.

Summary of International Law by Malcolm D. Evans, Fifth Edition
- Samenvatting • 35 pagina's • 2021
- €6,49
- 24x verkocht
- + meer info
This summary contains following chapters: 
Chapter 4: The Theory and Reality of the Sources of International Law	 
Chapter 5: Soft Law in International Law-Making 
Chapter 6 The Practical Working of the Law of Treaties	 
Chapter 7: Statehood, Self-determination, and Recognition	 
Chapter 8: International Organizations	 
Chapter 9: The Individual and the International Legal System	 
Chapter 11: International Law and Restraints on the Exercise of Jurisdiction by National Courts of States	 

all class notes, articles, knowledge clips for International Law
- College aantekeningen • 30 pagina's • 2022
- €7,39
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
this document contains all the relevant information on fundamentals of international law. From knowledge clips, workgroups, articles. All relevant articles are explained in depth in this as well as other knowledge. This is useful for papers or exams. I received an 8 for both int law paper as well as for the midterm.

all cases, articles, lectures, knowledge clips and summary on international law
- College aantekeningen • 29 pagina's • 2022
- €7,39
- + meer info
this document contains all the relevant information on fundamentals of international law. From knowledge clips, workgroups, articles. All relevant articles are explained in depth in this as well as other knowledge. This is useful for papers or exams. I received an 8 for both int law paper as well as for the midterm.

Literature Identity, Boundaries and Violence course
- Samenvatting • 44 pagina's • 2021
- €4,49
- 11x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of the literature for the course Identity, Boundaries and Violence of the Conflict minor at UU. The summary contains: Identity Matters, Jenkins/ Similarity and Difference, Jenkins/ Definitions, Gellner/ The Archipelago of Fear: Are fortification and foreign aid making Kabul more dangerous?, Montgomery/ Ethnicity without Groups, Brubaker/ Religious Dimensions of Political Conflict and Violence, Brubaker/ Identity, boundaries and violence, Demmers/ Introduction: Violent Imaginaries and Vio...

Samenvatting Public International Law, ISBN: 9780198828723 Public International Law
- Samenvatting • 23 pagina's • 2021
- €4,19
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Volledige (beknopte) samenvatting van het vak Public International Law. Uitwerking per week van de leerdoelen. Inclusief relevante arresten en artikelen.
summary of most of the chapters from the book 'International Law' for the course: Public International law University Utrecht Year 1

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