Bestuurskunde samenvattingen (pre-master/minor/bachelor)
Vooral vakken van de pre-master Bestuurskunde (gemiddeld 7.5) aan de Erasmus Universiteit in Rotterdam. In de pre-master zit zowel de minor Bestuurskunde als verschillende bachelor vakken. Daarvan vind je hier samenvattingen!
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- Volgers
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3 Ontvangen beoordelingen
3 items
Qualitative Methods - Summary of lectures and according literature (untill now: 1,2) - 2019/2020
Both detailed and compact summary of all 8 lectures by Braster & Eshuis and the according literature (Creswell, J.W. and C.N. Poth (2018). ‘Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches). 
(If you can find the time, could you rate this? Thanks :D )
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 11 pagina's •
Both detailed and compact summary of all 8 lectures by Braster & Eshuis and the according literature (Creswell, J.W. and C.N. Poth (2018). ‘Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches). 
(If you can find the time, could you rate this? Thanks :D )
Economics, Welfare & Distribution - Summary of all lectures - 2019/2020
Both detailed and compact summary of all 5 lectures by Marks and Castelein. Including the most important graphs and clear description of them. 
(If you can find the time, could you rate this? Thanks :D )
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 26 pagina's •
Both detailed and compact summary of all 5 lectures by Marks and Castelein. Including the most important graphs and clear description of them. 
(If you can find the time, could you rate this? Thanks :D )
Economics, Welfare & Distribution - Leerdoelen en uitwerkingen van alle PGO problemen - 2020
Economics, Welfare & Distribution - Summary of all lectures - 2019/2020
Economics, Welfare & Distribution - Leerdoelen en uitwerkingen van alle PGO problemen - 2020