Studeren met Pim
Mijn naam is Pim. Ik ben een 3e jaars student Culturele Antropologie aan de Universiteit van Utrecht. Tijdens mijn studie ben ik vaak tegen onduidelijkheden en vragen aangelopen m.b.t. de vakken die ik heb gevolgd. Hier kwam ik zelf niet altijd even goed uit en hulp van buitenaf was ook niet altijd even succesvol.
Via Stuvia heb ik zowel een manier gevonden om zelf beschikking te krijgen tot aanvullende informatie voor de vragen die ik tijdens mijn studietijd heb, als een manier om mijn vergaarde kennis te delen met anderen door middel van aantekeningen, samenvattingen en (voorbeeld) papers.
Hopelijk kan je mijn gedeelde documenten op dit platform goed gebruiken tijdens jou studietijd en helpt het je om jou studietijd ook een stukje makkelijker te maken.
- 16
- 0
- 6
- Volgers
- Volgend
22 items
Political Ecologies - Take Home Exam (example)
This final Take-Home Exam of the course Political Ecologies: Nature, Humans, and Non-Humans consists of two essay questions being answered through the use of academic literature in combination with the additional material being covered in the lectures. (The year 2024) 
This document relates to the in-depth understandings and elaboration of key concepts such as multispecies communities, forms of risk and care, exploring more-than-human communities, technological manipulations of nature, and t...
- Voordeelbundel
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
- • 10 pagina's •
This final Take-Home Exam of the course Political Ecologies: Nature, Humans, and Non-Humans consists of two essay questions being answered through the use of academic literature in combination with the additional material being covered in the lectures. (The year 2024) 
This document relates to the in-depth understandings and elaboration of key concepts such as multispecies communities, forms of risk and care, exploring more-than-human communities, technological manipulations of nature, and t...
Political Ecologies - Individual Research Paper (example)
This individual research paper as an assignment of the course Political Ecologies: Nature, Humans, and Non-Humans consists of an in-depth research, based on academic literature, on the subject of harvesting avocados in Michoacan State, Mexico and its relation to socio-economic, political and cultural influence as a consequence. 
The aim of this research paper was to demonstrate an understanding of literature and tools discussed in this course by developing a case study within one of the main ...
- Voordeelbundel
- Case uitwerking
- • 14 pagina's •
This individual research paper as an assignment of the course Political Ecologies: Nature, Humans, and Non-Humans consists of an in-depth research, based on academic literature, on the subject of harvesting avocados in Michoacan State, Mexico and its relation to socio-economic, political and cultural influence as a consequence. 
The aim of this research paper was to demonstrate an understanding of literature and tools discussed in this course by developing a case study within one of the main ...