Ik ben Berend, ik kom uit Amsterdam en ik ben in 2016 (cum laude) afgestudeerd aan het IG (St. Ignatiusgymnasium). Hier heb ik hard voor gewerkt en daar de nodige samenvattingen bij gemaakt. Door middel van deze site kun jij daar nu ook gebruik van maken (en kan ik er m'n lunch tijdens m'n studie mee bekostigen).
- 16
- 0
- 4
- Volgers
- Volgend
6 Ontvangen beoordelingen
16 items

Summary Lecture Notes
During the lectures, I made notes which I put in one document. Chapters 1 to 4 are fully covered, 5 partly, and 6 not at all. Reading them and practicing will prepare you well for the exam.
- College aantekeningen
- • 11 pagina's •
During the lectures, I made notes which I put in one document. Chapters 1 to 4 are fully covered, 5 partly, and 6 not at all. Reading them and practicing will prepare you well for the exam.

Summary Book Evolutionary Computing by Eiben & Smith
This document contains a summary of chapters 1-10,12,13, and 17. It helps you to get a feeling for the important subjects that are covered in the book. If you study this, together with your own notes and the slides of the professor, you are well prepared. Good luck!
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 27 pagina's •
This document contains a summary of chapters 1-10,12,13, and 17. It helps you to get a feeling for the important subjects that are covered in the book. If you study this, together with your own notes and the slides of the professor, you are well prepared. Good luck!

Summary Lectures Advanced Machine Learning 2020/2021
Although the course has recommended literature, the questions on the exam will only be about the lectures. Therefore, I made a summary of my lecture notes. It gives an overview of the course. If you study this, together with the homework, you'll be more than ready for the exam.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 27 pagina's •
Although the course has recommended literature, the questions on the exam will only be about the lectures. Therefore, I made a summary of my lecture notes. It gives an overview of the course. If you study this, together with the homework, you'll be more than ready for the exam.

Overview Machine Learning Models
Machine learning is an important subject in Introductio to Data Science. That is why I made a brief overview of all the models that we need to know.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 3 pagina's •
Machine learning is an important subject in Introductio to Data Science. That is why I made a brief overview of all the models that we need to know.

Data Structures and Algorithms
a summary of the book and a cheat sheet for the midterm will help you to prepare well.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
- Summary Book • Samenvatting
- Cheat Sheet Midterm • Samenvatting
a summary of the book and a cheat sheet for the midterm will help you to prepare well.

Introduction to Data Science
a summary of both the papers, machine learning models and the lectures themselves.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 3 items •
- Summary Reading Material • Samenvatting
- Overview Machine Learning Models • Samenvatting
- Cheat Sheet Introduction to Data Science • Samenvatting
a summary of both the papers, machine learning models and the lectures themselves.

Cheat Sheet Introduction to Data Science
A brief overview of the lectures of the course Introduction to Data Science.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 8 pagina's •
A brief overview of the lectures of the course Introduction to Data Science.

Cheat Sheet Midterm
Basically a summary of a summary. If you read this just before your midterm, it will definitely improve your grade.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 2 pagina's •
Basically a summary of a summary. If you read this just before your midterm, it will definitely improve your grade.

Summary Book
If you did not attend the lectures, it is quite useful to take a look at this summary. It gives you quickly an overview of the important algorithms you need to know and discusses all the important data structures as well.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 30 pagina's •
If you did not attend the lectures, it is quite useful to take a look at this summary. It gives you quickly an overview of the important algorithms you need to know and discusses all the important data structures as well.

Summary Reading Material
For the course Introduction to Data Science, you get a lot of extra reading material (articles, papers, etc.). It has helped me quite a bit to summarise (or at least make an overview of) this material. In the test, they ask a considerable amount of questions about this, so it's nice for you to read this just before your exam.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 34 pagina's •
For the course Introduction to Data Science, you get a lot of extra reading material (articles, papers, etc.). It has helped me quite a bit to summarise (or at least make an overview of) this material. In the test, they ask a considerable amount of questions about this, so it's nice for you to read this just before your exam.
Summary Lectures Advanced Machine Learning 2020/2021
Samenvatting Latijn grammatica : alles wat je moet weten in 1 document
Samenvatting Latijn grammatica : alles wat je moet weten in 1 document
wat ik zocht stond er niet is, maar dat is mijn fout want ik was zeer gestresst, verder niet heel overzichtelijk maar die korte regeltjes waren wel fijn
Samenvatting VWO Geschiedenis Thema "De Verenigde Staten en hun federale overheid"
Je zou denken dat dit over de examen-katern gaat maar het is een slappe samenvatting. Zelfs pagina’s met alleen 1 afbeelding erop.
Samenvatting VWO Geschiedenis Thema "Het Midden-Oosten"