Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper braammerel.
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4 items
Methods, Measurement and Statistics - lecture summary - 424023-B-6
Hi, this summary consists of all the lectures for the course 'Methods, Measurement and Statistics', given for the premaster Sociology and HRM at Tilburg University. All lectures for both the Methods and Measurement as well as the Statistics part are included, along with tips on what is important for the exam and how to study. 
Good luck with studying!
- College aantekeningen
- • 63 pagina's •
Hi, this summary consists of all the lectures for the course 'Methods, Measurement and Statistics', given for the premaster Sociology and HRM at Tilburg University. All lectures for both the Methods and Measurement as well as the Statistics part are included, along with tips on what is important for the exam and how to study. 
Good luck with studying!
Causal Analysis Techniques
Hi, this summary contains the notes from all the 14 lectures as well as the tutorials, and it contains the SPSS summary with notes from the practicals and the solutions to the mock exam, which are nearly the same as the exam you will get! 
Good luck studying!
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
Hi, this summary contains the notes from all the 14 lectures as well as the tutorials, and it contains the SPSS summary with notes from the practicals and the solutions to the mock exam, which are nearly the same as the exam you will get! 
Good luck studying!
Causal Analysis Techniques (424024-B-6)- SPSS Summary and test exam answers
Hi, this summary consists of all the information about the SPSS part of the course 'Causal Analysis Techniques'. There are three parts in this summary: part 1 contains the most important information: the solutions of the mock exam that is online on Canvas, including explanation of what to do and pictures of the syntax and output. With these notes you will pass your exam anyway, as long as you follow the steps! Part 2 is a short summary about everything that was included in the SPSS practi...
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 24 pagina's •
Hi, this summary consists of all the information about the SPSS part of the course 'Causal Analysis Techniques'. There are three parts in this summary: part 1 contains the most important information: the solutions of the mock exam that is online on Canvas, including explanation of what to do and pictures of the syntax and output. With these notes you will pass your exam anyway, as long as you follow the steps! Part 2 is a short summary about everything that was included in the SPSS practi...
Causal Analysis Techniques (424024-B-6) - Summary lectures and tutorials - pre-master and bachelor
Hi, this summary consists of all the 14 lectures and tutorials for the course 'Causal Analysis Techniques'. It will give you all the information you need to pass your Causal Analysis Techniques exam, with tips on topics that the lecturer says are important for the exam. This summary is useful for both bachelor students and pre-master students. Good luck studying!
- Voordeelbundel
- College aantekeningen
- • 101 pagina's •
Hi, this summary consists of all the 14 lectures and tutorials for the course 'Causal Analysis Techniques'. It will give you all the information you need to pass your Causal Analysis Techniques exam, with tips on topics that the lecturer says are important for the exam. This summary is useful for both bachelor students and pre-master students. Good luck studying!