Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper d511.
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7 items

Summary Statistics 2 (P_BSTATIS_2)
A concise summary of the most important content from the Statistics 2 course (P_BSTATIS_2), based on lectures and the book (see below). Alan Agresti (2018). Statistical Methods For The Social Sciences – 5th global edition. Pearson Education International.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 14 pagina's •
A concise summary of the most important content from the Statistics 2 course (P_BSTATIS_2), based on lectures and the book (see below). Alan Agresti (2018). Statistical Methods For The Social Sciences – 5th global edition. Pearson Education International.

Summary - Grasple for Statistics 1 (P_BSTATIS_1)
An overview/summary of all the information provided in Grasple, used during the Statistics 1 (P_BSTATIS_1) Psychology course, taught at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). The document contains not only a summary of the theory but also some examples of calculations.
- Samenvatting
- • 24 pagina's •
An overview/summary of all the information provided in Grasple, used during the Statistics 1 (P_BSTATIS_1) Psychology course, taught at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). The document contains not only a summary of the theory but also some examples of calculations.

Summary - Personality Theory and Assessment (P_BPEROND)
Summary of lecture notes from the Personality Theory and Assessment (PTA) course (P_BPEROND), taught at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). This summary contains an overview of everything you need to know regarding the first year psychology course.
- Samenvatting
- • 41 pagina's •
Summary of lecture notes from the Personality Theory and Assessment (PTA) course (P_BPEROND), taught at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). This summary contains an overview of everything you need to know regarding the first year psychology course.

Summary - Work & Organizational Psychology Pt. 1 (P_BARORPS)
This document contains a concise summary of the Work & Organizational Psychology course, taught at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. This summary contains lecture notes, as well as some further explanations from the book where needed. Note: This is only Part 1 of the course (Chapter 1-10).
- Voordeelbundel
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- • 26 pagina's •
This document contains a concise summary of the Work & Organizational Psychology course, taught at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. This summary contains lecture notes, as well as some further explanations from the book where needed. Note: This is only Part 1 of the course (Chapter 1-10).

Psychology Year 2 Period 2 Summary Package Deal
This package deal contains two summaries for the second period in the second year of the Psychology Bachelor. Summaries included: Measurement Theory & Assessment 2 (P_BMETDIA_2) Work & Organizational Psychology Part 1 (Chapters 1-10) (P_BARORPS)
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
- Summary - Measurement Theory & Assessment 2 (P_BMETDIA_2) • Samenvatting
- Summary - Work & Organizational Psychology Pt. 1 (P_BARORPS) • Samenvatting
This package deal contains two summaries for the second period in the second year of the Psychology Bachelor. Summaries included: Measurement Theory & Assessment 2 (P_BMETDIA_2) Work & Organizational Psychology Part 1 (Chapters 1-10) (P_BARORPS)

Summary - Measurement Theory & Assessment 2 (P_BMETDIA_2)
This document contains a concise summary of the lecture notes (including some key parts from the textbook) for the Measurement Theory & Assessment 2 course, which was given at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The summary is divided into weeks, with some pictures and graphs to aid understanding. All the formulas discussed in the lectures are also included.
- Voordeelbundel
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- • 16 pagina's •
This document contains a concise summary of the lecture notes (including some key parts from the textbook) for the Measurement Theory & Assessment 2 course, which was given at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The summary is divided into weeks, with some pictures and graphs to aid understanding. All the formulas discussed in the lectures are also included.

Summary - Statistics 1 (P_BSTATIS_1)
a summary of the most important content from the statistics 1 course, based on lectures and the book (see below). Alan Agresti (2018). Statistical Methods For The Social Sciences – 5th global edition. Pearson Education International.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 11 pagina's •
a summary of the most important content from the statistics 1 course, based on lectures and the book (see below). Alan Agresti (2018). Statistical Methods For The Social Sciences – 5th global edition. Pearson Education International.