Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper demikraakman.
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3 items
Global Englishes by Jennifer Jenkins: A Summary
This is a summary of 'Global Englishes' by Jennifer Jenkins, 3rd edition. This summary is made by a first-year student at the University of Amsterdam, who has a GPA of 7.2. The summary contains Section A and B of the book as well as subsection C1 and C4.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 6 pagina's •
This is a summary of 'Global Englishes' by Jennifer Jenkins, 3rd edition. This summary is made by a first-year student at the University of Amsterdam, who has a GPA of 7.2. The summary contains Section A and B of the book as well as subsection C1 and C4.
The History of Early English by Keith Johnson: A Summary
A complete summary of 'The History of Early English' by Keith Johnson, written by a University student with a 7.2 GPA. This summary filters all the unnecessary details of the book and leaves the reader with all the useful information that he/she/they need to know about it.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 11 pagina's •
A complete summary of 'The History of Early English' by Keith Johnson, written by a University student with a 7.2 GPA. This summary filters all the unnecessary details of the book and leaves the reader with all the useful information that he/she/they need to know about it.
Global Englishes by Jennifer Jenkins: A Summary
Discourse Analysis by Rodney H. Jones: A Summary