Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper emmafranken16.
- 14
- 0
- 3
- Volgers
- Volgend
17 items

PTS articles week 1-3
These are summaries of most of the articles from week 1, 2 and 3 needed for the exam Psychopathology and Therapeutic skills.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 4 items •
- PTS summary article: APA guidelines on evidence based psychological practice in health care • Samenvatting
- PTS summary article: Therapist drift redux Why well-meaning clinicians fail to deliver evidence-based therapy, and how to get back on track • Samenvatting
- PTS summary article: Rethinking avoidance Toward a balanced approach to avoidance in treating anxiety disorder • Samenvatting
- PTS summary article: Psychiatric emergencies A complex case of overdose and assessment in the emergency department • Samenvatting
These are summaries of most of the articles from week 1, 2 and 3 needed for the exam Psychopathology and Therapeutic skills.

PTS summary article: Psychiatric emergencies A complex case of overdose and assessment in the emergency department
Summary of Article: Psychiatric emergencies A complex case of overdose and assessment in the emergency department. 
This article is part of the exam material for the course Psychopathology and Therapeutic Skills in the Master's program Clinical Psychology at Leiden University.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 3 pagina's •
Summary of Article: Psychiatric emergencies A complex case of overdose and assessment in the emergency department. 
This article is part of the exam material for the course Psychopathology and Therapeutic Skills in the Master's program Clinical Psychology at Leiden University.

PTS summary article: Rethinking avoidance Toward a balanced approach to avoidance in treating anxiety disorder
Summary of Article: Rethinking avoidance Toward a balanced approach to avoidance in treating anxiety disorder 
This article is part of the exam material for the course Psychopathology and Therapeutic Skills in the Master's program Clinical Psychology at Leiden University.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 7 pagina's •
Summary of Article: Rethinking avoidance Toward a balanced approach to avoidance in treating anxiety disorder 
This article is part of the exam material for the course Psychopathology and Therapeutic Skills in the Master's program Clinical Psychology at Leiden University.

PTS summary article: Therapist drift redux Why well-meaning clinicians fail to deliver evidence-based therapy, and how to get back on track
Summary of article: Therapist drift redux Why well-meaning clinicians fail to deliver evidence-based therapy, and how to get back on track 
This article is part of the exam material for the course Psychopathology and Therapeutic Skills in the Master's program Clinical Psychology at Leiden University.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 7 pagina's •
Summary of article: Therapist drift redux Why well-meaning clinicians fail to deliver evidence-based therapy, and how to get back on track 
This article is part of the exam material for the course Psychopathology and Therapeutic Skills in the Master's program Clinical Psychology at Leiden University.

PTS summary article: APA guidelines on evidence based psychological practice in health care
Summary of article: APA Guidelines on Evidence-Based Psychological Practice in Health Care 
This article is part of the exam material for the course Psychopathology and Therapeutic Skills in the Master's program Clinical Psychology at Leiden University.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 15 pagina's •
Summary of article: APA Guidelines on Evidence-Based Psychological Practice in Health Care 
This article is part of the exam material for the course Psychopathology and Therapeutic Skills in the Master's program Clinical Psychology at Leiden University.

Economie Samenvattingen VWO
Samenvattingen van modules 4, 5, 7 en arbeidsmarkt van het vak economie.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 4 items •
- Extra Module Arbeidsmarkt - VWO Economie • Samenvatting
- Module 4 Economie - vwo • Samenvatting
- Economie Module 5: Speltheorie • Samenvatting
- Module 7 Economie - VWO: Monetaire Kringloop • Samenvatting
Samenvattingen van modules 4, 5, 7 en arbeidsmarkt van het vak economie.

Module 7 Economie - VWO: Monetaire Kringloop
Module 7 Economie VWO. Module over bruto binnenlands product en de monetaire kringloop.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 4 pagina's •
Module 7 Economie VWO. Module over bruto binnenlands product en de monetaire kringloop.

Latijn naamvallen, werkwoorduitgangen & grammatica
Latijn naamvallen, werkwoorduitgangen & grammatica
- Samenvatting
- • 1 pagina's •
Latijn naamvallen, werkwoorduitgangen & grammatica

Economie Module 5: Speltheorie
Dit is een samenvatting van module 5, economie, vwo. Deze module gaat over speltheorie
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 4 pagina's •
Dit is een samenvatting van module 5, economie, vwo. Deze module gaat over speltheorie

Module 4 Economie - vwo
Dit is een samenvatting van economie, module 4, vwo. In deze samenvatting komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod: 
- rente 
- inflatie 
- balans 
- resultatenrekening 
- staatsschuld
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 10 pagina's •
Dit is een samenvatting van economie, module 4, vwo. In deze samenvatting komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod: 
- rente 
- inflatie 
- balans 
- resultatenrekening 
- staatsschuld