
Leiden University - IRO & CSM Notes

Creating concise notes and study guides for the following Leiden University programmes:
- International Relations and Organisations (BSc)
- Crisis and Security Management (MSc) [Cyber Security Governance]

*All the money made (except the 40% that Stuvia keeps) will be donated to MSF’s (Doctors Without Borders) Palestine fund.*


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126 Ontvangen beoordelingen

110 items

Security: Actors, Institutions and Constellations Notes and Required Readings - GRADE 8,0

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Summary and notes of the material for the final exam (2024) for Security: Actors, Institutions and Constellations. Includes all lecture and reading notes* covered during the course. *Does *NOT* include Damien Van Puyvelde & Fernando Tabarez Rienzi’s working paper (2024) “The rise of open-source intelligence”.

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Security: Actors, Institutions and Constellations Notes on Readings - GRADE 8,0

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Summary of the reading materials for the course (2024) Security: Actors, Institutions and Constellations. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 97 pages): See * Summary List * on page 1. Does *NOT* include Damien Van Puyvelde & Fernando Tabarez Rienzi’s working paper (2024) “The rise of open-source intelligence”.

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  •  • 97 pagina's • 
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  • geupload  2024
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Cyber Conflict in International Relations Notes and Required Readings - GRADE 8,0

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Summary and notes of the material for the final exam (2024) for Cyber Conflict in International Relations. Includes all lecture and reading notes covered during the course.

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Security Challenges in a Globalizing World Notes and *SOME* Required Readings - GRADE 7,5

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Summary and notes of the material for the course (2024) for Security Challenges in a Globalizing World. Includes all lecture notes covered during the course and *SOME* of the readings.

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Behavioural Change Approaches to Cybersecurity Notes and Required Readings - GRADE 8,0

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Summary and notes of the material for the final exam (2024) for Behavioural Change Approaches to Cybersecurity. Includes all lecture and reading notes covered during the course.

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  •  • 2 items • 
  • door giacomoef • 
  • geupload  2024
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