Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper jpdoornebos.
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1 Ontvangen beoordelingen
5 items
Strategy Consulting Summary - Grade 9.5 (UvA BA Master)
I completed this course successfully in the first semester of the academic year (fall 2024). It includes very detailed notes of all lectures and articles for the exam. Studying this summary got me a 9.5 for the exam, meaning the summary is very extensive and elaborately explains all the exam material. Good luck studying! :)
- Samenvatting
- • 67 pagina's •
I completed this course successfully in the first semester of the academic year (fall 2024). It includes very detailed notes of all lectures and articles for the exam. Studying this summary got me a 9.5 for the exam, meaning the summary is very extensive and elaborately explains all the exam material. Good luck studying! :)
Business Strategy & Sustainability Summary - Grade 9.1, UvA Master BA
This summary covers all the required articles for the exam and the lecture notes. It extensively elaborates on all the phenomena and concepts from the articles. Good luck studying!
- Samenvatting
- • 43 pagina's •
This summary covers all the required articles for the exam and the lecture notes. It extensively elaborates on all the phenomena and concepts from the articles. Good luck studying!
Consumer Marketing courses period 2
The courses consumer behaviour and consumer research in marketing are both offered in the second period of the master of business administration (consumer marketing track). To make it easier and cheaper for you, you can purchase both summaries together for a cheaper price. Good luck studying!
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
- Consumer Behavior Summary - Grade 8.8 (UvA BA Master) • Samenvatting
- Consumer Research in Marketing Summary - Grade 9.1 (Uva BA Master) • Samenvatting
The courses consumer behaviour and consumer research in marketing are both offered in the second period of the master of business administration (consumer marketing track). To make it easier and cheaper for you, you can purchase both summaries together for a cheaper price. Good luck studying!
Consumer Research in Marketing Summary - Grade 9.1 (Uva BA Master)
I completed this course successfully in the spring semester of 2024 with a 9.1/10. It covers all lecture and article notes needed for the exam. With studying this summary, you will surely pass the exam, good luck studying! :)
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 60 pagina's •
I completed this course successfully in the spring semester of 2024 with a 9.1/10. It covers all lecture and article notes needed for the exam. With studying this summary, you will surely pass the exam, good luck studying! :)
Consumer Behavior Summary - Grade 8.8 (UvA BA Master)
I completed the course successfully in the second semester of the academic year (i.e., spring 2024). It includes very detailed notes of all lectures and articles for the exam. Studying this summary got me an 8.8 for the exam, meaning the summary is very extensive and elaborately explains all the exam material. Good luck studying! :)
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 74 pagina's •
I completed the course successfully in the second semester of the academic year (i.e., spring 2024). It includes very detailed notes of all lectures and articles for the exam. Studying this summary got me an 8.8 for the exam, meaning the summary is very extensive and elaborately explains all the exam material. Good luck studying! :)
Consumer Research in Marketing Summary - Grade 9.1 (Uva BA Master)
Heel duidelijk en aardige studente!