
Psychology Summaries For Students

Hi there!

My name is Lauran Claassen and I study psychology in the Netherlands at Tilburg University. I am very passionate about learning all there is to know about psychology and I am really enjoying the study.

I enjoy writing summaries about the courses I get in school and I like to share them with fellow psychology students so that I can help them with learning the material. Feel free to check them out!

I wish you the best of luck in your academic career.

-Lauran Claassen


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46 Ontvangen beoordelingen

10 items

The Cold War Summarized

2x  verkocht

This summary of the Cold War is meant for anyone who is interested in the course of the events that took place during the war. It is not written for any particular school course. I hope you enjoy reading it. - Lauran

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 7 pagina's • 
  • door lauran_claassen • 
  • geupload  2021
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Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (3d Ed.) - Book Summary (Robert M. Sapolsky) UPDATED

110x  verkocht

Dear psychology student, I am looking for you. Exams are on their way. They are coming closer and closer and eventhough you sometimes wish you could escape them, you cannot. But I can prepare you for it. I will provide you with the knowledge that you need in order to pass. This is a summary of the book 'Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers' for the by Robert M. Sapolsky. The book is used for the course 'Stress and health/Stress en gezondheid' at Tilburg University, and perhaps at many more un...

i x
  •  Boek & Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 48 pagina's • 
  • door lauran_claassen • 
  • geupload  2021
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Exploring Humans Book Summary (by Hans Dooremalen et al.) - Philosophy of Science / Wetenschapsfilosofie

42x  verkocht

Dear psychology student, I am looking for you. Exams are on their way. They are coming closer and closer and eventhough you sometimes wish you could escape them, you cannot. But I can prepare you for it. I will provide you with the knowledge that you need in order to pass. This is a summary of the book 'Exploring Humans: Philosophy of science for the social sciences a historical introduction' by Hans Dooremalen, Herman de Regt, and Maurice Schouten. The book is used for the course 'Philosop...

i x
  •  Boek & Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 34 pagina's • 
  • door lauran_claassen • 
  • geupload  2020
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Psychodiagnostiek - De Diagnostische Cyclus Een Praktijkleer (Herwerkte Uitgave 2003) door de Bruyn et al. (Boek Samenvatting)

60x  verkocht

Beste psychologie student, de examens zijn onderweg en je kunt er helaas niet aan ontsnappen. Maar ik kan je helpen met voorbereiden door je de informatie te geven die je nodig hebt om te slagen. Dit is een samenvatting van het boek 'De Diagnostische Cyclus: Een Praktijkleer' van E. E. J. de Bruyn et al. Het is de herwerkte uitgave uit 2003 die je kunt gebruiken om te studeren voor het vak Psychodiagnostiek. Het zal je helpen om de belangrijkste informatie snel tot je te nemen. - Laura...

i x
  •  Boek & Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 28 pagina's • 
  • door lauran_claassen • 
  • geupload  2020
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Sociology: A Global Introduction (5th ed.) by John J. Macionis & Ken Plummer (Book Summary) - Sociology (UPDATED) By Lauran Claassen

53x  verkocht

Dear psychology student, I am looking for you. Exams are on their way. They are coming closer and closer and eventhough you sometimes wish you could escape them, you cannot. But I can prepare you for it. I will provide you with the knowledge that you need in order to pass. This is a summary of the book 'Sociology: A Global Introduction' by John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer. You can use this summary of Sociology to study for your exam. It will be a huge help for you to gather all the knowledge...

i x
  •  Boek & Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 61 pagina's • 
  • door lauran_claassen • 
  • geupload  2020
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Abnormal Psychology (9th ed.) by Ronald J. Comer (Full Book Summary) - Psychopathology / Abnormal Psychology (UPDATED) By Lauran Claassen

27x  verkocht

Dear psychology student, I am looking for you. Exams are on their way. They are coming closer and closer and eventhough you sometimes wish you could escape them, you cannot. But I can prepare you for it. I will provide you with the knowledge that you need in order to pass. This is a summary of the book 'Abnormal Psychology' by Ronald J. Comer. You can use this summary of Psychopathology to study for your exam. It will be a huge help for you to gather all the knowledge you need in a very quic...

i x
  •  Boek & Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 63 pagina's • 
  • door lauran_claassen • 
  • geupload  2019
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DISCOUNT BUNDLE! - Philosophy of Mind / Consciousness (8 Questions about the conscious mind / Consciousness an introduction) - Tilburg University

12x  verkocht

Dear psychology student, I am looking for you. Exams are on their way and I can prepare you. This bundle consists of two summaries, one of the book '8 Questions about the conscious mind' and one of the book 'Consciousness An Introduction'. This is the material required for the course 'Philosophy of Mind' at Tilburg Univeristy. Check it out!

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  • Voordeelbundel
  •  • 2 items • 
  • door lauran_claassen • 
  • geupload  2019
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Consciousness: An Introduction (1st ed.) by Susan Blackmore (Book Summary) - Philosophy of mind / Consciousness

25x  verkocht

Dear psychology student, I am looking for you. Exams are on their way. They are coming closer and closer and eventhough you sometimes wish you could escape them, you cannot. But I can prepare you for it. I will provide you with the knowledge that you need in order to pass. This is a summary of the book 'Consciousness: An Introduction' by Susan Blackmore. The book is used for the course 'Philosophy of Mind' about Consciousness at Tilburg University, and perhaps at many more universities aro...

i x
  •  Boek & Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 26 pagina's • 
  • door lauran_claassen • 
  • geupload  2019
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8 Questions about the conscious mind by Hans Dooremalen (Full Book Summary) - Philosophy of mind / Consciousness (UPDATED) By Lauran Claassen

20x  verkocht

Dear psychology student, I am looking for you. Exams are on their way. They are coming closer and closer and eventhough you sometimes wish you could escape them, you cannot. But I can prepare you for it. I will provide you with the knowledge that you need in order to pass. This is a summary of the book '8 Questions about the conscious mind' by Hans Dooremalen. The book is used for the course 'Philosophy of Mind' at Tilburg University, and perhaps at many more universities around the world....

i x
  •  Boek & Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 17 pagina's • 
  • door lauran_claassen • 
  • geupload  2019
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