Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper tobiasschiphorst.
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4 Ontvangen beoordelingen
12 items
Samenvatting Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, ISBN: 9781138064768 Purchasing & Supply Chain Management (EBB742B05)
Summary of Purchasing & supply chain management given in the pre-master course of Technology & operations management in the 1 semester. The summary is based on the slides given in the lectures supported by the book.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 37 pagina's •
Summary of Purchasing & supply chain management given in the pre-master course of Technology & operations management in the 1 semester. The summary is based on the slides given in the lectures supported by the book.
Samenvatting Organizational Theory, Design, and Change, ISBN: 9788131754160 Organization Theory & Design for Pre-MSc (EBS003A05)
Summary of organizational theory and design summary course given in 2021. The summary is based on the key topics given in lectures supported and enriched by the book. The summary contains 7 modules that are based on the given lectures in that year.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 47 pagina's •
Summary of organizational theory and design summary course given in 2021. The summary is based on the key topics given in lectures supported and enriched by the book. The summary contains 7 modules that are based on the given lectures in that year.
Summary Design and planning of Production lectures, book and articles
Full summary for the mid-term of management of production innovation including the papers
Not any in depth summaries.
Samenvatting Operations Strategy, ISBN: 9781292317847 Operations Strategy and Technology (EBB109A05)
Erg slecht Engels, moet meeste zinnen meerdere keren lezen om te snappen wat er staat

Samenvatting Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, ISBN: 9781138064768 Purchasing & Supply Chain Management (EBB742B05)