Samenvattingen, hoorcolleges & uitwerkingen voor de bachelor Gezondheidswetenschappen & master Health Sciences (VU)
Documenten voor alle vakken van de bachelor Gezondheidswetenschappen, de minor 'Biomedical Topics in Health Care' & de master Health Sciences aan de VU.
- 50
- 9
- 13
- Volgers
- Volgend
188 Ontvangen beoordelingen
76 items

Lectures + Assignment 2 Health Psychology (master Health Sciences, VU)
Both the lectures and assignment 2 of the course health psychology from the master Health Sciences at the VU.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
- Lectures Health Psychology (Master Health Sciences VU) • College aantekeningen
- Assignment 2 Health Psychology (master Health Sciences, VU) • Essay
Both the lectures and assignment 2 of the course health psychology from the master Health Sciences at the VU.

Assignment 2 Health Psychology (master Health Sciences, VU)
Assignment 2 for the course Health Psychology from the master Health Sciences at the VU.
- Voordeelbundel
- Essay
- • 4 pagina's •
Assignment 2 for the course Health Psychology from the master Health Sciences at the VU.

Lectures Prevention of Mental Health Problems (VU)
All lectures of the course Prevention of Mental Health Problems (VU). Optional course for the master Health Sciences.
- College aantekeningen
- • 56 pagina's •
All lectures of the course Prevention of Mental Health Problems (VU). Optional course for the master Health Sciences.

Colleges Preventie & Beleid (Master Health Sciences VU)
Alle colleges van het vak Preventie & Beleid van de master Health Sciences aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
- Boek
- College aantekeningen
- • 75 pagina's •
Alle colleges van het vak Preventie & Beleid van de master Health Sciences aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Lectures Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Master Health Sciences VU)
All lectures of the course Health Promotion and Disease Prevention of the VU Master Health Sciences.
- College aantekeningen
- • 65 pagina's •
All lectures of the course Health Promotion and Disease Prevention of the VU Master Health Sciences.

Lectures Research Methods for Health Sciences (Master Health Sciences VU)
All lectures of the course Research Methods for Health Sciences of the master program Health Sciences at the VU Amsterdam.
- Boek
- College aantekeningen
- • 89 pagina's •
All lectures of the course Research Methods for Health Sciences of the master program Health Sciences at the VU Amsterdam.

Lectures Health Psychology (Master Health Sciences VU)
All lectures and workgroups of the course Health Psychology of the VU Master Health Sciences.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- College aantekeningen
- • 62 pagina's •
All lectures and workgroups of the course Health Psychology of the VU Master Health Sciences.

Hoorcolleges Gezondheidscommunicatie (GZW)
Alle hoorcolleges van het keuzevak Gezondheidscommunicatie (Gezondheidswetenschappen, VU) uitgewerkt.
- Boek
- College aantekeningen
- • 33 pagina's •
Alle hoorcolleges van het keuzevak Gezondheidscommunicatie (Gezondheidswetenschappen, VU) uitgewerkt.

All lectures and working lectures of the courses of the minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care (VU Amsterdam)
This includes lectures of all the five courses of the minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care, given at the VU university.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 5 items •
- Lectures Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders (VU Minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care) • College aantekeningen
- Lectures Heart Failure and Therapy (VU Minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care) • College aantekeningen
- Lectures and working lectures Genetics and Public Health (VU Minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care) • College aantekeningen
- Lectures Oncology and Public Health (VU Minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care) • College aantekeningen
- Lectures Toxicology and Development (VU Minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care) • College aantekeningen
This includes lectures of all the five courses of the minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care, given at the VU university.

Lectures Toxicology and Development (VU Minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care)
All the lectures of the course Toxicology and Development, including notes. This course is part of the minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care, given at the VU university.
- Voordeelbundel
- College aantekeningen
- • 115 pagina's •
All the lectures of the course Toxicology and Development, including notes. This course is part of the minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care, given at the VU university.
Hoorcolleges Voedingsonderzoek (GZW)
Samenvatting alle stof Reflectie op Gezondheidswetenschappen (GZW, jaar 2)
De samenvatting dekt echt minimaal de stof. Niet genoeg om je te voorbereiden op het tentamen
Lectures Prevention of Mental Health Problems (VU)
Colleges Preventie & Beleid (Master Health Sciences VU)
Lectures Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Master Health Sciences VU)