Scenario 1: Unconscious Casualty
Scenario 🎬 Unresponsive & Breathing 2️⃣ Equipment/Props
The injured player has clashed heads in a rugby match.. If the primary survey shows that they are unresponsive & Mobile Phone
breathing, it’s time to put them in the recovery position.
Primary Survey 1️⃣ 1. Kneel by the casualty and straighten their legs. If they
are wearing glasses, or have any bulky items in their
1. Danger - before approaching the casualty, always pockets, remove them. Do not search their pockets for
make sure the area is safe. small items.
2. Response - check if the casualty is responsive or 2. Place the arm that is nearest to you at a right angle to
unresponsive. As you approach them, introduce their body, with the elbow bent and their palm facing
yourself and ask them questions to see if you can get upwards.
a response. Kneel next to their chest and gently shake 3. Bring their other arm across their chest and place the
their shoulders, asking, ‘Are you OK?’, ‘Can you open back of their hand against the cheek nearest to you.
your eyes?’. Hold it there.
3. Airway - next, you need to check that the airway is 4. With your other hand, pull their far knee up so that their
open and clear. Open the airway by placing one hand foot is flat on the floor.
on the forehead to tilt the head back and use two 5. Keeping the back of the casualty’s hand pressed against
fingers from the other hand to lift the chin. their cheek, pull on the far leg to roll the casualty
4. Airway - open the casualty's airway by tilting their towards you on to their side. You can then adjust the top
head back and lifting their chin. Check if their airway is leg so that it is bent at a right angle.
clear and unobstructed. 6. Gently tilt the casualty’s head back and lift their chin to
5. Breathing - check if the casualty is breathing normally. make sure their airway stays open. You can adjust the
Keep the airway held open, place your ear above their hand under their cheek to do this.
mouth and look down at their chest. Listen for sounds 7. Call 999/112 for emergency help if it hasn’t already been
of breathing and see if you can feel their breath on done. Monitor their level of response while waiting for
your cheek. Watch to see if their chest moves. Do this help to arrive.
for no more than 10 seconds.. 8. If they remain in the recovery position for 30 minutes,
6. Circulation - once you have established they are roll them into the recovery position on the other side.
breathing normally, look and check for any signs of
severe bleeding.
U N I T 1 7 : S P O R T S I N J U R Y M A N A G E M E N T