You have been asked by the medical department at the club to design a safe and
appropriate rehabilitation programme for the 16-year-old female hurdler who has suffered a
sprained ankle.
Treating sports injuries!
17B: explore common treatment and rehabilitation methods
Write a lead-in paragraph that prefaces the rehabilitation programme. Use tables and/or
diagrams to clarify signs, symptoms and definitions of ankle sprain (grades 1-3). For
example: -
Before a progressive, safe and appropriate rehabilitation programme can be designed, one
should first ascertain the grading of ankle sprain sustained by the athlete (Puffer, 2001). For
the athlete in question here – a 16-year-old female hurdler - it has been confirmed by her GP
that she has sustained a Grade 3 ankle sprain. The following rehabilitation programme has
been written to optimize her chances of a safe and speedy return to competitive sport,
whilst mitigating the risk of re-injury to the affected area. The diagram below clarifies how
grade 1-3 ankle sprains differ in what is happening to the ligaments.
Athletes will experience symptoms ranging from mild (Grade 1) to moderate (Grade 2) to
severe (Grade 3). The table below highlights common signs or symptoms experienced, as
well as the duration of recovery period to be expected, with each grade of ankle sprain.
Grade 1 Sprain (Mild) Grade 2 Sprain (Moderate) Grade 3 Sprain (Severe)
Mild pain, swelling and Moderate pain, swelling Severe pain, swelling,
tenderness. and bruising. and bruising around the
Minimal bruising. Moderate loss of function ankle.
Minimal loss of function and difficulty weight Significant instability and
and ability to bear bearing. inability to bear weight.
weight. Moderate instability and May have heard/felt a
Typically recovers in 5- decreased range of pop or tear at the time of
14 days (about 2 weeks). motion (ROM). injury.
Typically, will take 2-3 Ankle gives out and is
, weeks to recover. unable to support body
May take 3-12 weeks
(about 3 months) or
longer to recover.
Rehabilitation Programme (B.P4: Design a progressive rehabilitation programme for a
specific sports injury; B.M4: Design a detailed safe and appropriate rehabilitation
programme for a specific sports injury, including adaptations and alternatives).
Using research on ankle sprains - design a progressive and safe rehabilitation programme
for the 16-year-old female hurdler with a grade 3 ankle sprain. For example, Phase 1 might
look like this: -
Phase 1: Protection / Acute stage (1-2 weeks after injury)
Rehabilitation Goals
To decrease pain, swelling, bruising & improve circulation.
Taping, splints, pneumatic walking boots, semi-rigid ankle stirrup orthotic, or lace up brace
may be recommended.
Protection: of injured ligaments from further injury by resting and avoiding activities that
may cause further injury or pain.
Optimal Loading: Rest for first 24 hours after injury. Gently move and load the injured area
to stimulate the healing process. Weight bearing as tolerated with assistive device, such as
crutches, may help with pain management. Initiate tandem or single-leg balance on firm-
surface if non-painful.
Ice: apply ice packs wrapped in a towel to the injured area for 10-20 minutes a few times
per day to reduce pain and swelling. Consultation with GP regarding non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) for pain or inflammation reduction.
Compression: Use an elastic bandage or compression garment to help control swelling but
avoid wrapping too tightly.
Elevation: Keep the injured body part elevated above the level of the heart to help reduce
Criteria to progress
Reduction in pain, swelling, and inflammation; Ability to gradually increase loading and
movement of the injured area, while staying within pain limits. Ability to fully bear weight on
involved lower extremity.
Phase 2: Optimal loading & weight-bearing /Sub-acute stage (3-6 weeks after injury)
Rehabilitation Goals
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