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Courses at CCEA
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Popular books CCEA
James Napier • ISBN 9781780731001
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John Campton • ISBN 9781471863059
Russell Rees • ISBN 9781780731230
William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare • ISBN 9781586638535
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Juliana Gilbride, Juliana Gilbride • ISBN 9781780731094
Anne Hughes • ISBN 9781780731117
Alyn G. Mcfarland • ISBN 9781510448018
Cgp Books • ISBN 9781782947233
Latest notes & summaries CCEA
Completed revision notes that go by the A-Level Geography specification for CCEA
Completed revision notes that go by the A-Level Geography specification for CCEA
Completed revision notes that go by the A-Level Geography specification for CCEA
complete revision notes going by the a-level specification for CCEA
CEA Government and Politics 
Assessment Unit AS 2 
The British Political Process 
with Mark Scheme
CEA Government and Politics 
Assessment Unit A2 1 
Comparative Government 
Mark SchemeCEA Government and Politics Assessment Unit AS 1 assessing The Government and Politics of Northern Ireland
Explore the features of different businesses and analyse what makes them successful 
B: Investigate how businesses are organised
This document includes an essay question on Blanche's character in 'A Streetcar named Desire' with focus on how she is presented as a victim in this play.
PE notes that cover all the key topics for the exam- such as motion and mechanics, the biology of people etc., as well as provides useful tips on exam techniques and how to score top marks in each question!