PEARSON (PEARSON) • Travel and Tourism
Latest uploads for Travel and Tourism at PEARSON (PEARSON). Looking for Travel and Tourism notes at PEARSON (PEARSON)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Travel and Tourism at PEARSON (PEARSON).
Modules Travel and Tourism at PEARSON (PEARSON)
Notes available for the following courses of Travel and Tourism at PEARSON (PEARSON)
- Unit 1 - Investigating the Travel and Tourism Sector 78
- Unit 1 - The World of Travel and Tourism 4
- Unit 10 - Business Travel Operations 20
- Unit 11 - Investigating the Cruise Industry 4
- Unit 12 - Responsible Tourism btec3 24
- Unit 13 - Tour Operations 30
- Unit 13 - Tour Operations P1,M1,D1 1
- Unit 14 - Specialist Tourism 16
- Unit 15 - Working as a Holiday Representative 21
- Unit 16 - Passenger Transport for Travel and Tourism 11
- Unit 17 - Events, Conferences and Exhibitions btec3 8
- Unit 18 - The UK as a Tourist Destination 1
- Unit 18 - Tourism in Rural Areas 5
- Unit 19 - UK Visitor Attractions 4
- Unit 2 - Global Destinations 4
- Unit 2 - The Business of Travel and Tourism 23
- Unit 20 - Hospitality Operations in Travel and Tourism 4
- Unit 21 - Entertainment for Holidaymakers 13
- Unit 22 - Work Experience in the Travel and Tourism Sector 2
- Unit 23 - Residential Study Visit in Travel and Tourism* 1
- Unit 25 - Working as a Children's Representative in Travel and Tourism 3
- Unit 25 - Working as a Children's Representative in Travel and Tourism btec3 1
- Unit 26 - Researching Current Issues in Travel and Tourism 22222C 6
- Unit 27 - Organising a Travel and Tourism Study Visit* 4
- Unit 3 - Principles of Marketing in Travel and Tourism 1
- Unit 3 - The UK as a Destination QTF3TO-Y1 27
- Unit 4 - Customer Service in Travel and Tourism 52
- Unit 4 - Managing the Customer Experience in Travel and Tourism 2
- Unit 5 - Marketing Travel and Tourism Products and Services btec3 25
- Unit 6 btec3 1
- Unit 6 - Preparing for Employment in Travel and Tourism 33
- Unit 7 - European Destinations 38
- Unit 7 - European Destinations P4,M3,D2 1
- Unit 8 - Long-haul Travel Destinations btec3 39
- Unit 8 - The Airport Experience 10
- Unit 9 - Retail Travel Operations 24
- Unit 9 - Visitor Attractions 10
- Unit 9: Visitor Attractions 1
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Latest notes & summaries PEARSON (PEARSON) • Travel and Tourism
In this assignment, I am going to define what excellent customer service is whilst explaining the different skills needed to deal with different types of customers. Also, I will explain what internal and external customers are with examples. I will pick two organisations (an Airline and a Hotel Chain) and explain what the needs and expectations are of different travellers with examples. Then, I will state what each organisation could improve on in order to better the organisation’s customer se...
This document shows my first assignment from the customer service unit. This assignment includes two examples of times that I was a mystery shopper (one in a travel agents and one in a restaurant) along with details regarding many aspects of these places. Also, in this assignment, there are two flow charts along with improvements that could be made.
This document contains the possible areas of congestion during normal operations, explaining why these areas are prone to congestion and the measures that can be taken to prevent or minimise congestion
This is the powerpoint presentation LAA UNIT 3 for Travel and Tourism btec. This peice of coursework was all about marketing and customer service I am studying travel and tourism in sixth form. This powerpoint was moderated and given a Dinstinction. 
We chose to write ours about Butlins and Centre parks. Discussing all of the marketing and customer service.
This is the full document of Travel Tourism BTEC LAA VISITOR ATTRACTIONS this is the resubmitted piece I got a distinction (moderated) I compared chessington world of adventures and the Tower of London.
This is a marked merit essay. Written for BTEC Travel and Tourism Unit 3. 
Has the Pass, with the chosen UK destinations, with bibliography as well as the related merit question and its bibliography.
P1: You have been asked to describe career opportunities for a minimum of three component industries in the travel and tourism sector, e.g. Travel Agents, UK Tour Operations, Airlines, Cruising and Visitor Attractions. 
The evidence is to be presented as a careers leaflet with clear identification of career opportunities through promotion and 
progression routes. 
The aim is to help the students understand more about careers within each of the industries, not just one job role, enabling th...
Looks into different long-haul destinations that UK visitors would be interested in such as New Zealand and Ontario Canada which is some of the examples.
Looking into the factors that contribute to an effective workplace using Richard Branson as an example.
Virgin Atlantic and Cadbury World are both used as examples and follow all the criteria.