CITM.LAEN05 Final Assignment:
Assignment 1: English business language
A semantic issue occurred before the meeting. The request of the director was greeted with
silence, which apparently indicated that all agreed. However, the researcher assumed that
this suggested a lack of enthusiasm. Therefore, this is a perfect example of semantics
because the researcher and director have a different interpretation of the same silence.
It could be seen that the business etiquettes appeared to differ from what they had been
expected to be, because the delegates only express their opinion. Therefore, it can be seen
that the level of hierarchy is extremely high since delegates are not allowed to criticize their
Assignment 2: Email response
From: Eleanor Powell
To: Tiffany Deng
Date: 7 October 2020
Re: Cooperation Four Rivers Tours
Dear Ms Tiffany,
I was pleased to receive your e-mail after the conference. Fortunately, the Covid-19 virus
has not infected my family and we are all healthy. I hope your family and business are all
doing fine as well.
Thank you for showing your enthusiasm for working together with VTB Tours. We feel
honoured that such an innovative business is keen on working together in the Chinese
market. Therefore, I have attached a file to this e-mail in which you can see a list of projects
we would like to join.
It would be lovely to meet in person. Unfortunately, now with the current restrictions this is
impossible. Please send my regards to your family.
Best regards,
Eleanor Powell