LAEN2 Y3 All lectures and notes:
LAEN Week 1:
What is an essay?:
- An essay is an organised text which provides a clear and coherent exposition of your
views on a particular issue.
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- An essay should be interesting
- Unlike a report, paper or assignment, an essay should communicate a personal point
of view, but in a way which interest or entertains the reader.
- A good essay leaves the reader with the feeling that he or she has gained
understanding on a topic, but that this has been achieved in a pleasant manner.
How to write an essay?:
- An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that takes a stance on an issue.
- In a good argumentative essay, a writer attempts to persuade readers to understand
and support their point of view about a topic by stating their reasoning and
providing evidence to back it up.
- Although an essay is a text which expresses a personal opinion, this viewpoint must
be rational and balanced…
The introduction:
- Should outline the topic.
- Provide background information necessary to understand your argument. For this,
you can use the ‘funnel approach’ (from general to specific).
- Outline the evidence you will present and state your thesis.
- This is done through a thesis statement (a clear one-sentence statement on the main
point you want to make in your essay), which should appear at the end of the
The body:
- The main body of an essay is constituted by a series of paragraphs which are all
linked to the thesis statement.
- Each paragraph should only deal with one topic, and this is normally identified in a
topic sentence at or near the beginning of each paragraph.
- The supporting sentences should develop or explain the point made in the topic
sentences through the use of examples, facts, statistics, quotes, expert opinions,
explanations, causality, etc. (PEE structure -> Provide, Explain, Example)
- The paragraphs should be logically ordered, and the transition between then should
be clear. (therefore, furthermore, etc)
The conclusion:
- A paragraph that restates your thesis and summarizes all of the arguments made in
your body paragraphs.
- A good conclusion will appeal to a reader’s emotions.
- A good conclusion doesn’t introduce new facts or more arguments.
, Argumentative essay:
Introduction: State your thesis,
Body 1: Claim most important reason that support your thesis.
Body 2: Another important reason that supports your thesis.
Body 3: Present a claim that opposes one of your central ideas. The refute the counter
Conclusion: Restate the thesis, briefly restate made points and arguments, persuasive
sentences at the end.
Essay writing process:
- Conduct research by reading about the topic for your essay.
- Analyse the results of your research so that you can focus on the key issues.
- Evaluate your research so that you can form your own viewpoint on the topic.
- Formulate your viewpoint in a clear statement which will be the thesis statement for
your essay.
- Plan your essay: formulate topic sentences for each paragraph and briefly indicate
the examples and explanations you will provide for each.
- Write your essay. Ensure paragraphs are focused on one point and that they are
clearly expressed.
- Ensure referencing is correct.
- The introduction and conclusion are two of the hardest elements of an essay to
write. The introduction should encourage the reader to continue reading. -> use
funnel approach, final sentence is the thesis statement in introduction.
- The conclusion…
- Check grammar …
Tribal Tourism:
What is tribal tourism?
- Tribal tourism refers to a new form of travel in which tributes allow tourists to visit
their villages in order to be exposed to a culture completely different from their own.
In recent years, this opportunity to experience authentic indigenous life has grown in
popularity across the globe.
LAEN Week 2:
The five-paragraph essay:
- A common method, but not the only formula for writing essays
1. an introductory paragraph
2. Three evidentiary body paragraphs that may include a discussion of opposing views
3. A conclusion.
How to begin an argumentative essay:
- Investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position
on the topic of a concise manner.