100 pages of
,Evidence Bases HRM
What do we know about people in workplaces
Clip 1: The history of research on people in workplaces
People in workplaces
The concept ‘employment relationship’
An employment relationship is:
A reciprocal relationship between those who perform work or services
(employees, as well as those self employed) and those who offer employment
(employers) in the aim of realizing organizational goals.
After this clip you understand:
- The origins and science of today’s Human Resource Management
- The type of questions that exist in organizations about people in workplaces
- The structure of the book
The origins and science of todays HRM
From early industrializaiotn to the digital era and the role of scientific research
Bv Philips
1891: Philips electric lighting company
Industrialization, massa production
Urbanisatie, werkomstandigheden gevaarlijk, vreselijke leefomstandigheden.
End of 19th – early 20th
Improve well being of the employees Philipsdorp in Eindhoven, saamhorigheid en
trouw richting de organisatie. Vredig. Saving funds, Pantion funds?
Employee welfare – employees initiative
Ca 1900 the rise of industrial relations
Dutch railroad Harsh working conditions
Wages low, workinghours long Vb 1 Sunday off every 2 months
It made little sense to complain, if you did you’ll be replaced.
If they unite grouppower, workers union = verboden
Strikers were replaced by scraps. All of his colleagues went on these strikes. Amsterdam
central station = core of the strike. Hearing of this, employees of the rail ways, railworkers all
over the country refused to work. The management of the railroads were desperate and asked
the government for help without running trains, Trasport was impossible. worker unions
toegestaan vanaf nu, er werd geluisterd. .. unions Werden serieus genomen als onderhandeling
partners about working conditions. Employment conditions, no longer problem of employers
but, have become part of the
industrial relations = describe the power of negotiations, power and organizations of workers,
employers and the government. Still one of key tasks of modern human resourcement
Research and employment relations ca. 1910: Scientific management.
Mean time industrialization and mass production in full speed. Factory owners: develop, high
production volumes at lowest costs. Researchers were asked, to take a scientific view to the
production and organization. Before: cars build in shops, 1 for 1
,Friedrik tailor build the principles of scientific management he proposed by optimizing and
simplizing jobs productivity would increase. Scientific management was the start of conver…
systems (assembly lines in factories)
Vb Ford en Philips.
By optimizing the productions of cars, he could sell them for a lower price. By paying decent
salaries he could create a whole new market for sellers of autocars.
Research & employment relations – II
30-50 human relations school
Inspiration for optimal work design for work performance. Elton Mayo and hawthorne
experiments. were hired to optimize production processes. They did experiments with
experimental and control group to see of there were changes
Bv gevonden dat experimentele group harder werken omdat ze onderdeel waren van
experiment dus altijd beter presteren, wilden hun best doen voor company en onderzoek
Hawthorne studies
Basis of human relations school (part of the scientific base of personal function in
organization, next to personal administration and industrial relation, now had to take care of
employee’s satisfaction. They are happy and productive workers.
After WW 2: 50/60/70
Growth and decline of the welfare state
Mensen uit landen zoals turkije en spanje naar Nederland om te komen werken, vakbonden …
1970 growth curve of economy flattent oil crisis 1979 Off sourcing naar landen waar
het goedkoper was unemployment in the Netherlands industrial relations became less
harmonious, employers and unions blamed each other for slowing down the economy.
Worsening the situation of workers in the Netherlands. This reflected In the personal function
within organizations, the function became criticized for being a cost center, as opposed to be a
profit center for organizations
III The 80’s: initiation of human resources
The idea that personal was nearly a cost center instead of a profit center, the personal function
began to position itself as a mandatory role in charge of the people production factor in
organizations. The language used in the personal function changed from guarding
employment and industrial relations into the added value associated with investing in people.
People became human resources. By pointing at researchers, the function began to claim its
essential contribution to understanding and motivate employees in order to get best
performance. Employees are an important resource for the organizations ‘success. The
personal functions changed his name in human resource management to explicate their
Research has also start to explore, which human resource investments paid off in better
organizational performance, they found better methods for selection, teamwork, participation
in decision making. However the gap between resource and practice hindered the
dissimilation to a broader audience.
Breakthrough 1995
Questionaire Which of 20 hr practices they use in their organi, plotted of indicated
practices with each company’s financial performance. 2 things: 1 organisations who use more
of the HR practices, performed better financial. 2. Niet lineair, het maakt ook uit hoeveel
bedrijven doen van de lijst, het maakt niet uit of het 20/60%, alleen of investeren in all the
, best HR practices, then they will realise 20% more shareholder value/stock value. Investing
in people means business performance!
Research driven:
Why do more Hr practices lead to better performance of organizations?
2006-2009 Research fidings
Examples of papers: zie slides – meta analysis, collecting all the research and calculate the
average rate.
Effects. :.2 = ok. .4 = strong
The business case for HRM
How investigating in HR winstgevend voor organisatie
Waarom worden niet alle effectieve HR practices gebruikt?
Why don’t all organizations do the same?
Problem 1: it does not fit:
bv small organizations, cannot barry the costs, the costst will be so high, they will lead to
financial problems instead of financial gains. Practices more effective in industry than small
business organizations.
You need to understand the organizations before you can implemebt HR practices.
Problem 2 Context is complex
Stakeholders made a … of hr practices, bc might be not be legally or accepted in some
cultures, or might be in advantage for some groups. HRM = social en economic. Many
stakeholders witch each values and different outcomes in HRM
this business case of hrm focuses on shareholders: financial interest in the organization
performance. Other have non financial interests: Government, environment, unions.
Context H5/6/7
The worker perspective H8 Decent work
How do we want to treat people in an employment relationship (?)
Ethics positieve en negatieve consequenties van individual workers
So why dont all organizations use all those effective HR practices?
- Because each organization has its own characteristics needs and possibilities
- Because different stakeholders have different interests in HRM
- Because some practices are unethical.
Problem 3: Research practice gap
Onderzoeken hebben hun bevindingen gepupliceerd in andere vormen dan journals, dan
mensen normaal lezen. Organisaties komen zo niet makkelijk bij die info