Data-analysis & retrieval
Indexing 2
MapReduce 5
Scoring & Ranking 7
Top-k searching 9
Frequent item sets 11
Linear algebra 13
Gaussian elimination 14
PageRank 15
Approximate string matching 16
Text searching
- Collection: Fixed set of documents
- Goal: retrieving documents relevant to the user’s information need
- User’s need for information usually expressed by one or more search terms
Quality measures:
- Precision: fraction of retrieved documents that is relevant to user’s information need
(also called selectivity)
- Recall: fraction of relevant docs in collection that are retrieved (also called sensitivity)
Boolean retrieval
- Basic model for IR (Information Retrieval)
- Uses logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) and brackets
- Term-document incidence matrix: matrix that shows if a term appears in a document
(with 1 or 0 for true or false)
- For each term, you get a bit array where each bit is determined by whether or not
the term is contained in the corresponding document
- You can use the above mentioned bit array in bitwise operations to run queries
- For example, get documents from a collection of 6 that meet the query ‘Brutus
AND Caesar BUT NOT Calpurnia’ could correspond to the bitwise operation
110100 && 110111 && (NOT 010000) = 100100
- Problem: collections are often rather large, too large for the use of such a matrix
- Solved by the sparse matrix approach
- Sparse matrix: documents identified by unique docID and terms are organised in a
dictionary, with each term having its own posting list
- Posting list: ordered list of documents containing the corresponding term
- Dictionary is implemented as a hash table or tree like structure
- Implementations of postings lists:
- Internal memory, static situation: arrays
- Internal memory, dynamic situation: linked list
- External memory: linked list (block structure)
Tree like structures
- B-tree: binary tree, but with a maximum of 4 branches leading out from a node (4
branches needs 3 values to determine which branch to follow
- Trie (prefix tree): leafs are the terms, built up by various nodes adding prefixes
, Indexing process
1. From the documents to be indexed, get the relevant tokens (terms)
2. Modify the tokens to be more general (no capital letters etc.)
3. Get posting lists for the terms using indexer
Boolean query processing
- Query = term1 AND term2
1. Locate postings list for p1 for term1
2. Locate postings list p2 for term2
3. Calculate the intersection of p1 and p2 by list merging
- List merging: keep only the docID’s that occur in all input lists (intersection)
1. Get docID of both lists
2. If they are equal, add to result
3. Otherwise, get next docID of list where current docID is lower than other
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with new docID
- Query = term1 AND NOT term2
- Go through the first list and add only the docID’s that do not occur in the other
input list to the result
- Query = term1 AND term2 AND … AND termn
- 𝑛! possibilities of merging one by one
- Use the length of postings list, merge lists with smallest length first
- Skip pointers: pointer to docID further down the list
- Use when the docID that the pointer points to
is lower than the current docID of the other list
- For example, on the right, the pointer from 11
to 31 will be used when merging the two lists
- Many skip pointers → more comparisons,
more skips, higher memory cost
- Few skip pointers → fewer comparisons, less frequent skips, longer
jumps, lower memory cost
- Rule of thumb: 𝑛 skip pointers for postings list of length 𝑛
- Instead of merging the lists one by one, you can merge them all at the same time
by making a slight adjustment to the algorithm for list merging
- This approach allows more efficient use of skip pointers
Phrase queries
- Juxtapositions of terms: difference between “fight club” and “fight” AND “club”
- Solution 1: biword index (make an index for each term)