Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper Suniht.
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13 Ontvangen beoordelingen
22 items

Summary Geometric Algorithms
High quality summary covering the entire Geometric Algorithms course. All of the concepts are clearly, yet compactly summarized, and explained in more detail where necessary. Based on the lectures, slides and the associated book.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 34 pagina's •
High quality summary covering the entire Geometric Algorithms course. All of the concepts are clearly, yet compactly summarized, and explained in more detail where necessary. Based on the lectures, slides and the associated book.

3-page Overview Persuasive Technologies (INFOB3PET)
2-page overview (cheatsheet) of all the material discussed in the entirety of the Persuasive Technologies (INFOB3PET) course, very concisely summarized. Summary of the summary. Summarized as concisely as possible, giving a great overview of all the material and a means to easily repeat the material.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 3 pagina's •
2-page overview (cheatsheet) of all the material discussed in the entirety of the Persuasive Technologies (INFOB3PET) course, very concisely summarized. Summary of the summary. Summarized as concisely as possible, giving a great overview of all the material and a means to easily repeat the material.

Summary Persuasive Technologies (INFOB3PET)
All material that is discussed in the entirety of the Persuasive Technologies (INFOB3PET) course, clearly summarized. Based on the lectures and the book.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 34 pagina's •
All material that is discussed in the entirety of the Persuasive Technologies (INFOB3PET) course, clearly summarized. Based on the lectures and the book.

Samenvatting Discrete Wiskunde (INFOB3DW)
Samenvatting van alle stof die behandeld wordt bij het vak Discrete Wiskunde (INFOB3DW), zowel in het eerste deel als het tweede deel van het vak. Inclusief een groot aantal voorbeelden van dynamisch programmeren.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 24 pagina's •
Samenvatting van alle stof die behandeld wordt bij het vak Discrete Wiskunde (INFOB3DW), zowel in het eerste deel als het tweede deel van het vak. Inclusief een groot aantal voorbeelden van dynamisch programmeren.

2-page Overview Data Analysis & Retrieval Midterm (INFOB3DAR)
2-page overview (cheatsheet) of all the subjects discussed in the first part of the Data Analysis & Retrieval course, very concisely summarized. Summary of the summary. Includes several examples of MapReduce algorithms.
- Samenvatting
- • 2 pagina's •
2-page overview (cheatsheet) of all the subjects discussed in the first part of the Data Analysis & Retrieval course, very concisely summarized. Summary of the summary. Includes several examples of MapReduce algorithms.

Summary Data Analysis & Retrieval Midterm
All subjects that are discussed in the first part of the Data Analysis & Retrieval (INFOB3DAR) course for the midterm, clearly summarized. Based on the lectures and the book.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 22 pagina's •
All subjects that are discussed in the first part of the Data Analysis & Retrieval (INFOB3DAR) course for the midterm, clearly summarized. Based on the lectures and the book.

Summary Software Testing & Verification Midterm (INFOB3STV)
All subjects that are discussed in the first part of the Software Testing & Verfication (INFOB3STV) course for the midterm, clearly summarized. Based on the lectures and the book Introduction to Software Testing.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 19 pagina's •
All subjects that are discussed in the first part of the Software Testing & Verfication (INFOB3STV) course for the midterm, clearly summarized. Based on the lectures and the book Introduction to Software Testing.

Statistics Summary (INFOB3OMI)
All subjects discussed in the Statistics part of the Onderzoeksmethoden voor Informatica (INFOB3OMI) course, clearly summarized in a structured way. Based on the lectures and the slides.
- Samenvatting
- • 18 pagina's •
All subjects discussed in the Statistics part of the Onderzoeksmethoden voor Informatica (INFOB3OMI) course, clearly summarized in a structured way. Based on the lectures and the slides.

Summary Concurrency (INFOB3CC)
All subjects that are discussed in the Concurrency course, clearly summarized in a structured way. Based on the lectures and the slides.
- Samenvatting
- • 34 pagina's •
All subjects that are discussed in the Concurrency course, clearly summarized in a structured way. Based on the lectures and the slides.

Samenvatting Computationele Intelligentie (INFOB3CI)
Alle stof die behandeld wordt bij het vak Computationele Intelligentie (CI), duidelijk en gestructureerd samengevat. Gebaseerd op de hoorcolleges en slides daarvan.
- Samenvatting
- • 52 pagina's •
Alle stof die behandeld wordt bij het vak Computationele Intelligentie (CI), duidelijk en gestructureerd samengevat. Gebaseerd op de hoorcolleges en slides daarvan.
Summary Persuasive Technologies (INFOB3PET)
Samenvatting Computationele Intelligentie (INFOB3CI)
Summary Persuasive Technologies (INFOB3PET)
Samenvatting Computationele Intelligentie (INFOB3CI)
Samenvatting Computer Architecture (INFONW)