Organizational Behavior
Chapter 3
3.1 The three components of an attitude:
1. Cognitive component: A description of the belief in the way things are.
2. Affective component: The emotional or feeling part of an attitude.
3. Behavioral component: An intention to behave in a certain way toward
someone or something.
3.2 Attitudes and Behavior: Usually they are related to behavior, but
one researcher said that attitudes follow behavior, whilst others
agreed on that attitudes predict future behavior.
3.3 Compare job Attitudes:
1. Job Satisfaction:
A positive feeling about the job results.
2. Job Involvement:
The degree to which people identify with their jobs,
actively participates in it and considers the performance
important to self-worth.
3. Psychological empowerment:
The degree to which they influence their work
4. Organizational Commitment:
When a person embraces an organization’s goals,
identity, wishes and wants to remain a member.
If they are committed, they are less likely to engage in
work withdrawal as they feel emotionally detached.
5. Perceived Organizational Support:
The degree to which employees believe the organization
values their effort and contribution and truly cares
about them.