TOMA be considered as a measure of how much a person
Pelsmacker Ch. 3 companies strive to reach Top-of-mind awareness
(TOMA) in consumers. TOMA indicates which brand
likes or dislikes the brand, or of the extent to which
he or she holds a favourable or unfavourable view of
is most salient within a product category. It reflects it.
Hierarchy-of-effects-models the first brand that comes to mind when thinking of
*Consumers go through three different stages in a product category. It is generally acknowledged that Brand attitudes is the belief that the more favourable
responding to marketing communications – brands that are top of mind are more likely to be brand attitudes are, the more likely a purchase of the
1. cognitive (consumers engage in mental (thinking) purchased. brand becomes
process, which lead to awareness and knowledge of By motivation, a willingness to engage in behaviour,
the brand communicated The FCB Grid: make decisions, pay attention, process information,
2. affective (emotional or feeling responses occur Foot-Cone-Blending Grid, four different situations etc., is meant. Motivation is to a large extent
which are associated with the advertised brand and are distinguished, based on two dimensions: influenced by consumer needs and goals.
attitudes towards the brand are formed. 1. High-low involvement (importance people attach
3. conative (undertaking actions with respect to the to a product or buying decision) Ability refers to the resources needed to achieve a
advertised brand buying it.) 2. think-feel dimension (continuum reflecting the goal
extent to which a decision is made on a cognitive or
Consumers should first learn or become aware of a an affective basis) opportunity deals with the extent to which the
brand such as Fitness breakfast cereal, for instance. situation enables a person to obtain the goal set
Afterwards they develop affective responses or form
an attitude towards Fitness, which might be that The effects of the MAO factors on attitude formation
Fitness is tasty and healthy. Finally, this feeling or and marketing communications processing are
attitude makes the consumers want to buy Fitness. presented in the Elaboration Likelihood model:
The task of marketing communications is then to lead
the consumers through these successive stages. *during buying processes two different types of
persuasion can be engaged
low-involvement hierarchy-of-effects model *central route” persuasion process with a high level
according to which consumers, after frequent of elaboration or customer involvement (Customer
exposure to marketing messages, might buy the are likely to think extensively issue-relevant, such as
Hierarchy-of-effects models incorporate what is their
product, and decide afterwards how they feel about gathering information, listen to arguments, compare
most important contribution, i.e. recognition of the
it (cognitive–conative–affective hierarchy). products and prices, examine benefits etc.,
importance of brand awareness. Hierarchy-of-effects
wherefore they spend a lot of time in the buying
models consider brand awareness as a prerequisite
experiential hierarchy-of-effects model process)
for brand attitude formation.
consumers’ affective responses towards a product
lead them to buy it and, if necessary, they reflect on *“peripheral route” persuasion process with a low
Attitude is as a person’s overall evaluation of an
it later. (affective–conative–cognitive sequence) level of elaboration or customer involvement. The
object, a product, a person, an organisation, an ad,
etc. In this view, an attitude towards a brand (Ab) can customer follows the “simple decision rule”, where