H1 // Human development
3 grote domeinen:
- Fysieke ontwikkeling
- Cognitieve ontwikkeling
- Psychosociale ontwikkeling
Life span; perioden van ontwikkeling:
- Prenatale ontwikkeling
- Infancy and toddlerhood
- Early childhood
- Middle childhood
- Adolescence
- Emerging and young adulthood
- Middle adulthood
- Late adulthood
Nuclear family: ouders met hun kinderen
Extended family: nog meer familieleden in het huishouden
Ethnic gloss: practice of inferring that all members of an ethnic group tend to share a
common set of culture-related characteristics
Normative history-graded influences: have biological and environmental components.
Nonnormative (idiosyncratic) influences: are rare or random events which may be
significant for a particular individual, but are not experienced by most people.
Life-span developmental approach:
1. Development is lifelong
2. Development is multidimensional
3. Development is multidirectional
4. Influences of culture and biology shift over the life span
5. Development involves changing resource allocations
6. Development shows plasticity
7. Development is influenced by the historical and cultural context
H2 // Theory and research
,Developmental theories differ on two issues:
1. The active or reactive character of development
2. The existence of continuity or discontinuity in development
Mechanistic model: human development is a series of predictable responses to stimuli
Organismic model: human development is internally initiated by an active organism and
occurs in a sequence of qualitatively different stages.
Psychoanalytic perspective: Development is motivated by uncunscious emotional drives
or conflicts.
- Psychosexual development (Freud)
- Psychosocial development (Erikson)
Learning perspective: Development is a result of learning based on experience
- Behaviorism (Watson&Skinner) → Classical- & operant conditioning,
reinforcement, punishment, …
- Social learning/Social cognitive theory (Bandura) → Reciprocal determinism,
observational learning, self-efficacy, …
Cognitive perspective: Concerned with thought processes
- Cognitive-stage theory (Piaget) → organisation, schemes, adaptation,
assimilation, accommodation, equilibration (zie p 30)
- Sociocultural theory (Vygotsky) → ZPD, scaffolding (temporary support to
help a child complete a task)
- Information processing approach
Contextual perspective: Focus on individual in a social context
- Bioecological theory (Bronfenbrenner) → 5 levels of environmental
influence: Macrosysteem, Exosysteem, Mesosysteem, Microsysteem, ‘The
developing child, age, sex, health, abilities, temperament’
Evolutionary/sociobiological perspective: Focus on adaptiveness/survival value of
behavior. Proposes that the mind has cognitive adaptations to deal with
adaptive problems → ethology, evolutionary psychology
Qualitative designs in developmental research:
1. Case study
2. Ethnographic study
Meest gebruikte designs voor age-related development: Cross-sectional & longitudinal
H3 // Forming a new life
Concordant: the tendency for twins to share the same trait or disorder
Canalization: limitation on variance of expression of certain inherited characteristics
Prenatal development: 3 stages of gestation (Period of development between
conception and birth)
1. Germinal stage
2. Embryonic stage
3. Fetal stages
Gestational age: Age of an unborn baby, dated from the first day of an expectant
mother’s last menstrual cycle
Cephalocaudal principle: The upper parts of the body develop before the lower parts
Proximodistal principle: The parts of the body near the center develop before the
1. Germinal stage: First two weeks of prenatal development, characterized by rapid
cell division, blastocyst formation, and implantation in the wall of the uterus
- Implantation: The attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine wall, around day 6
2. Embryonic stage: (2-8 weeks) rapid growth and development of major body
systems and organs
- Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)
3. Fetal stage: (8+ weeks) increased differentiation of body parts and greatly
enlarged body size
Tetratogens → Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), AIDS, stress, …
Monitoring prenatal development:
- Normal development: ultrasound, sonoembryology amniocentesis, chorionic
villus sampling, fetoscopy, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, umbilical cord
sampling and maternal blood tests
H4 // Birth and physical development the first 3 years
, Birth process:
1. Dilation of the cervix
2. Descent and emergence of the baby
3. Expulsion of the umbilical cord and the placenta
Electronic fetal monitoring can detect signs of fetal distress, especially in high-risk births
32% US: keizersnee
Natural childbirth: prevent pain by reducing the mother’s fear through education about
the physiology of reproduction and breathing and relaxation exercises.
Prepared childbirth: Instruction, breathing exercises and social support to induce
controlled physical responses to uterine contractions and reduce fear and pain.
At birth: the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, elimination and temperature regulation
systems become independent of the mother’s. If a newborn cannot start breathing
within 5 minutes of birth, brain injury may occur.
Anoxia: lack of oxygen
Newborns: strong sucking reflex, secrete meconium from the intestinal tract. Sometimes
subject to neonatal jaundice (geelzucht) due to immaturity of the liver. State of arousal
governed by periodic cycles of wakefulness, sleep & activity.
Apgar score: appearance, pulse, grimace, activity and respiration
The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale: assess responses to the
environment and predict future development
Neonatal screening: for rare conditions, such as PKU and congenital hypothyroidism)
Complications of childbirth:
- Low birth weight-babies: preterm (premature) birth & small-for-date infants
- Kangaroo care: skin to skin contact on breasts
- Postmature
- Stillbirth: dood geboren
Infant death
- Biggest reason: Birth defects, daarna disorders related to prematurity and low
birth weight, daarna sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), daarna maternal
complications of pregnancy & daarna complications of the