Sample test Kotler’s Principles of marketing
Multiple-choice questions
1. Which of the actors below are people within a reference group, who because of
special skills, knowledge, personality or other characteristics, exert influence over
a. Innovators
b. Opinion leaders
c. Stealth marketers
2. A company’s integrated marketing communications must deliver which of the
following messages to the customer?
a. Consistency
b. Reliability
c. Validity
3. How can a need be described?
a. As a state of excess
b. As a state of deprivation
c. As a state of desire
4. In a SWOT analysis, favorable trends in the external environment can be considered
as which of the following?
a. Challenges
b. Weaknesses
c. Opportunities
5. Which of the following is a component of a firm’s microenvironment?
a. Marketing intermediaries
b. Population shifts
c. Customer demographics
6. When the size, the purchasing power and profile of a segment can be calculated the
market is said to be which of the below?
a. Actionable
b. Measurable
c. Profitable