College 1
“Advertising is any form of paid communication by an identified sponsor aimed to inform
and/or persuade target audiences about an organization, product, service, or idea’’
,Preattentive analysis
•Often, consumers learn about products incidentally (e.g., in newspaper, magazine, on
television, internet). Not much attention (scan info)
•BUT: Still impact through unconscious/implicit processes. Info gets in implicit memory which
can be retrieved later
Preattentive processing can rely on:
•Perceptual analysis; physical features (colors, contours)
•Conceptual analysis; product use, usage situation
•Can have effects even if product looks perceptually different from ad
,Mere exposure:
Neutral object → repeated exposure → positive feelings
You like the things/people you see more often even if you have no direct positive experience
with it
Focal attention:
after noticing a stimulus, it may be brought into conscious awareness where it is identified
and categorized
1.Voluntary attention
- if you're motivated, relevance to topic, when you're able to
2.Involuntary attention
- Stimuli need special features that make them stand out from the background and
capture conscious attention
, - Especially effect when processing motivation is low
Three classes of stimuli features that attract consumer attention:
– Salience
- a stimulus is different from its environment, and therefore interesting
– Vividness
- not context dependent, don't need to stand out
- emotionally interesting
- image provoking
- Proximate in a temporal (i.e., soon) or spatial way (i.e.,nearby)
– Novelty
- unfamiliar and unexpected
- can be positive or negative
voorbeeld vividness:
•Comprehension is important for achieving persuasion
– Especially when careful and effortful information processing is needed
- 80 % of all messages are initially miscomprehended in some way
Sometimes a lack of understanding is not a problem
•Truth effect of advertising/ Seeing is believing: people tend to uncritically accept
information, even when certain elements are not fully comprehended
• Especially when distracted or unmotivated to process
Elaborative reasoning: stimulus is actively related to previously stored consumer
•Requires full consciousness
•Consumer motivation and ability should be high
Three dimensions of elaborative reasoning
1.Extent of thinking
● How superficial/deep are you thinking about the ad/product/brand?
2. Valence of thinking
● How negative/positive are you thinking about the ad/product/brand?
3. Object of thinking
● About what are you thinking?
Self-schema: The way people see themselves (values, beliefs)
● “I am very much concerned with the environment”