Op zoek naar een samenvatting op de Metabolic? Op Stuvia vind je meer dan 6 samenvattingen, aantekeningen en andere studiedocumenten voor alle vakken op de Metabolic.
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Vakken op de Metabolic
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Studies op de Metabolic
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Metabolic 6
Nieuwste samenvattingen Metabolic
hat is soy protein? 
What is casein? 
What is the difference between a saturated fat and an unsaturated fat? 
What is the difference between a complete protein and an incomplete protein? 
Is there such a thing as a "sugar high"? Explain your answer. 
Why would a lack of sleep cause a lack of energy? Why is sleep necessary? 
What is cholesterol? 
What is the function of cholesterol in cells?
~ Treats high blood pressure. A lower blood pressure can reduce the risk of stroke and heart 
attack. This medicine is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. 
Mr. G is taking Lotensin to lower what? 
~ His blood pressure. 
How would you describe Mr. G's laboratory profile? 
~ His waist circumferance exceeds the normal 40 inches by 10 inches. His HDL is at 20 mg/dl 
which is 20 below the healthy 40 mg/dl. Blood pressure is too high. 
What would be some obvious behavior cha...
Dunphy - Endocrine and Metabolic Problems Questions And Answers
Pyurvate carboxylase is allosterically activated by which of the following compounds? correct answer: acetyl CoA 
Energy needed to get a reaction started correct answer: activation energy 
The part of an enzyme or antibody where the chemical reaction occurs. correct answer: active site 
Growing or metabolizing only in the presence of molecular oxygen correct answer: aerobic respiration 
A product in allosteric regulation that inhibits an enzyme. correct answer: allosteric inhibitors...
All humans suffer from hypoascorbemia? (T/F) correct answer: True 
Which enzymes require folate as a co-substrate? correct answer: Methionine synthetase, MTFR, SHMT 
Which mineral is an essential factor in the action of glutathione peroxidase (GPX) in the reduction of organic peroxides and hydrogen peroxide? correct answer: Selenium 
What is a genetic disorder that ultimately results in the excessive accumulation of iron in certain tissues. This disorder affects all iron-requiring enzym...
What are two different iodine deficiency disorders? correct answer: Goiter and Cretinism 
What are some symptoms of calcium deficiency? correct answer: paresthesias, tetany, and when severe, seizures, encephalopathy, heart failure 
What is the difference between Menke's and Wilson's Disease? correct answer: Menke's (ATP7A gene) -> copper deficiency 
Wilson's (ATP7B gene) -> copper accumulation/excess 
What is the name for the "classic" calcium deficiency syndrome in adults?...