NHL Stenden Hogeschool (NHL) • International Hotel and Hospitality Management
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Vakken International Hotel and Hospitality Management op de NHL Stenden Hogeschool (NHL)
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Populaire samengevatte boeken NHL Stenden Hogeschool (NHL) • International Hotel and Hospitality Management
![Book Thumbnail](https://www.stuvia.com/hosted-imgs/docpics/doc_placeholder.jpg)
ISBN 9781121551824
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000012839931.jpg)
Philip Kotler • ISBN 9780273787969
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000038681022.jpg)
Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge • ISBN 9781292090078
Nieuwste samenvattingen NHL Stenden Hogeschool (NHL) • International Hotel and Hospitality Management
Hi! I just graduated and I can tell you, it feels great! Can't wait either? Download my final MP and hopefully I can make your last year easy and smooth. 
Research question: How do former and current employees of [name company] perceive the working at [name company] and which reasons do they bring forward as (possible) arguments for (intended or imagined) resignation and which reasons do they bring forward as (possible) arguments for retention? 
Hierbij bied ik mijn scriptie aan. 
- Afges...
This MP is a qualitative research that was graded with an 8.5.

This document will be especially useful for you if you need help understanding the process of qualitative coding methods, and would like to see how a year 4 management project should be structured,.
All the excel files of part A of the assignment of environment.
This is part B of the assignment of environment, you have to compare all companies of your classmates with your own companies. This is a lot of work and you have to compare all the numbers with each other. I thought it was a hard task, so this document might help you to understand it better.
This is the individual assignment of the environment module that you have to do for the assignment. I chose the subject profitability, so make sure that you have that same subject if you choose to buy this assignment.
This is part A of the assignment of the module Environment and this was a lot of work. This document can save you some time, since you can compare it to your own work and then know if you are on the right track.
A summary of all the lectures of revenue management and all the workshops that you have in the module design. This summary helped me a lot with studying for the test and it will save you a lot of time, because I attended all the lectures, workshops and made this summary for you!
HOTS - Hotel procedures test consist of M&O and HRM.
I had a 9,8 with this summary.
It is not a hard if you know this summary.
This is a summary about general economics, which you have in the module Design.
HOTS - hotel procedures tests, consists of HRM and M&O
My grade with this summary was a 9.8.
It is not a hard test, if you study everything what is in this summary.