NHTV (NHTV) • International Tourism Management
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Tourism Management op de NHTV (NHTV). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor International Tourism Management? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Tourism Management op de NHTV (NHTV).
Vakken International Tourism Management op de NHTV (NHTV)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van International Tourism Management op NHTV (NHTV)
Populaire samengevatte boeken NHTV (NHTV) • International Tourism Management
Stephen Page, Joanne Connell • ISBN 9781408060575
Corné Dijkmans, Jeroen Vinkesteijn • ISBN 9789491838767
Susan Schneider, Gunter K. Stahl • ISBN 9780273746324
Anthony Weston • ISBN 9780872209541
Michael R. Solomon, Margaret K. Hogg • ISBN 9781292245430
Nieuwste samenvattingen NHTV (NHTV) • International Tourism Management
The purpose of this report was to advise a company in the Recreation and Hospitality sector about HR issues in writing. After studying the relevant theory provided in the lectures, and after working on assignments during the seminars we worked on the assignment as commissioned by the company. We made make an analysis of the problem, and wrote an advisory report. This plan will describe the ways in which the company can work on the various HRM instruments in flow, through flow and out flow, thus ...
In this document we describe how we arrived at the best place for a city campsite in Breda. For this report we received a 7.5.
Please find attached my report about Preston Palace.
Excel part of the report.
This document details all the assignments we had to make for OCBR.
Change management case study by Radina & Noortje 
Language insitute Regina Coeli. 
We talk about McKinsey's 7S model, Kotter’s 8 step plan, Caluwé’s color paradigms, Interventions done to improve the change prosses, Support and resistance regarding the change, and the Organizational culture
English below 
Dit document bevat alle theorie en modellen voor het examen change management van de opleiding international tourism management in het tweede leerjaar. Het document is in het engels geschreven. Dit document is gebaseerd op hoorcolleges, werkcolleges en consultancies. 
This document contains all the theories and models for the exam change management of the education international tourism management for the second year. This document is written in English.
Extensive wright answers on all the discussion questions of the study manual of this course. The questions are part of the exam.
This document is an expensive summary of all the lectures on Change Management you will have in the second year of ITM. The guest lectures are not included because that is not exam material.
All concepts explained, from the list of concepts you need to know for the exam. explanations are taken from the book, own research and results of seminars) Save yourself the time and just buy the summary ;)