Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • Biology / Life Science and Technology
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Biology / Life Science and Technology op de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Biology / Life Science and Technology? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Biology / Life Science and Technology op de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG).
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Vakken Biology / Life Science and Technology op de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Biology / Life Science and Technology op Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
- Basic Cell And Molecular Biology WBBY001-05 15
- Behavioural Biology WBBY013-05 5
- Behavioural Neurosciences WBBY026-05 3
- Biochemistry and cell biology in ecology and evolution WBY029-05 9
- Biology & Society: Ethical and Professional Aspects WBBY049-05 3
- Biology of cancer WBBY030-05 3
- Biology of Human Behavior 1
Nieuwste samenvattingen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • Biology / Life Science and Technology
Deze samenvatting bevat alle informatie die je nodig hebt om een goed cijfer op het vak te kunnen halen.
Dit document bevat alle informatie die je moet weten om het vak hematopoietic stem cells and disease te kunnen halen. Alle ziektes worden uitgebreid beschreven.
In this document, you can find a summary for the course Epigenetics and Gene-editing, which is given in the second year of Biology / Life Science and Technology (old curriculum) at the University of Groningen. 
In this summary, the book Molecular Biology of the Cell is used.
In this document, you will find the summary for the course Behavioural Biology which is given in the second year of Biology / Life Science and Technology (old curriculum) at the University of Groningen. 
The book that is used for this summary is Animal Behaviour: concepts, methods, and applications.
In this document, you can find a summary of the course Molecular Genetics which is given in the second year of Biology / Life Science and Technology (old curriculum) at the University of Groningen. 
For this summary, the book Molecular Biology of the Cell is used.
In this document, you can find the summary of the course Immunology, which is given in the second year of Biology / Lifestyle and Technology (old curriculum) at the University of Groningen. 
For this summary, the book Cellular and Molecular Immunology is used.
In this document, you can find the summary for the course Modelling Life which is given in the second year of Biology / Life Science and Technology (old curriculum) at the University of Groningen. 
For this summary, the book Modelling Life: The Mathematics 
of Biological Systems is used
In this document, you can find a summary for the course integrative neurosciences, which is given in the second year of biology / life sciences & technology (old curriculum) at the University of Groningen. 
For this summary, the book Neuroscience: exploring the brain (written by Mark F. Bear et al.) is used.
Aantekeningen van alle colleges van Genetics, Ecology and Evolution.
Almost all information given during the lectures of biology of cancer in 2021, all in one document. Including pictures from the slides for more clarification