Tilburg University (UVT) • Marketing Management
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Marketing Management op de Tilburg University (UVT). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Marketing Management? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Marketing Management op de Tilburg University (UVT).
Vakken Marketing Management op de Tilburg University (UVT)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Marketing Management op Tilburg University (UVT)
- Market Assessment 328043-M-6 7
- Marketing 2
- Marketing Channel Management 328244-M-6 27
- Marketing Communicatie 328428-M-6 27
- Marketing Communicatie (328428-M-6) 1
- Marketing Communications 328248-M-6 17
- Marketing for premaster 56402 5
- Marketing management for pre masters 1
- Marketing Research 1
- Marketing voor Premaster 2
Populaire samengevatte boeken Tilburg University (UVT) • Marketing Management
Nieuwste samenvattingen Tilburg University (UVT) • Marketing Management
In this document you will find a summary of all the lectures during the course. I passed with an 8.5 for the exam using my summary.
Clear summary of all knowledge clips and compulsory articles. Articles are clearly distinguished from the knowledge clips, to make sure that no mistakes are made during studying. Furthermore, it contains a lot of elaboration with examples.
This document has a summary of lecture content for the exam.
This document summarizes the methods that are asked in the exam
Marketing Communications: A European Perspective (Sixth edition) 
Summary of chapters: 
3 - How marketing communications work 
4 - Marketing communications planning 
7 - Media planning 
13 - Measuring campaign effectiveness
A summary of all the mandatory papers of the Marketing Communication course at Tilburg University. 
PLEASE NOTE: these are not full paper reviews, but it contains the main DV's, IV's, results and setup per paper (I don't believe much more information is needed for the exam).
A summary of the book "Marketing Communications: A European perspective" of de Pelsmacker. For the course Marketing Communications at Tilburg University. 
Chapter 3: How marketing communications work 
Chapter 4: Marketing communications planning 
Chapter 6/7: Media planning 
Chapter 12/13: Measuring Campaign effectiveness 
REMARK!: This summary is based on the 6th Edition , however it is based on the corresponding chapters of the 7th edition. There should be no differences.
This document is a summary of all Compulsory Academic Papers of Marketing Communication.
A summary of all the web clips of Marketing Communication, including comments and elaborations of the concepts. From the Marketing Communication class at Tilburg University, year 2022-2023
Summary of all the lectures for the course introduction to research in marketing 
Aims to provide a clear overview of the most important topic in a comprehensive way