Philosophy of the Social Sciences (3801PSQPVY)
Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)
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In-Depth summary of everything in the PSS course without tutorials/previous exam

In-Depth PSS Exam Notes (Everything)
- Samenvatting • 94 pagina's • 2024
- €9,99
- + meer info
This document is a 94 page in-depth document of everything you need to know for the PSS exam. It includes in-depth notes on every philosopher, including tutorial and practice exam questions (with answers). 
This document is an absolute life-saver, and will give you everything you could possibly need to know for the exam.

Complete summary of readings, tutorials and lectures - Philosophy of the social sciences (3801PSQPVY)
- Samenvatting • 184 pagina's • 2024
- €7,99
- + meer info
This summary has all of the readings, lecture content and additional notes from the tutorials in a ordered fashion.
a summary of all lectures and readings
study guide for the final exam of the course Philosophy of Social Sciences
Elaborate PSS Notes
All readings and lectures described in extensive detail. Everything and the only thing you need to pass the PSS exam!

PPLE Year 1 Starterpack for €14,99 (WITH €3 DISCOUNT!)
- Voordeelbundel • 5 items • 2019
- €15,48
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
Get started for first-year courses Block 1 Doing Research (Bryman); Block 2 Law, Justice & Morality I (Sandel); Block 4 Philosophy of the Social Sciences (lecture notes Chung Lin Kwa) and Economics, Markets and Organisations I (Mankiw & Taylor); Block 5 Introduction to Statistical Analysis. NB: Distributing copies is illegal and WILL be sanctioned

Philosophy of the Social Sciences - Chung Lin Kwa - Lectures 1-12 Detailed Notes
- College aantekeningen • 34 pagina's • 2017
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €2,99
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
For the PPLE Year 1 Course 'Philosophy of the Social Sciences' (Semester 2 Block 4), the notes of Chung Lin Kwa's lectures 1 to 12 (the most important lectures) covering the readings and context necessary to pass the final exam.

Including the styles of science (classical-deductive style, hypothetical-analogical style, experimental style, statistical style, taxonomical style, historical-evolutionary style) and a discussion of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hume, Hacking, Popper, Ga...

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