Sociology of Public Policy (73330001AY)
Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)
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Revision Guide Sociology of Public Policy (73330001AY) UvA
- Samenvatting • 34 pagina's • 2024
- €9,99
- 14x verkocht
- + meer info
A revision guide composed of all the key concepts as specified by the teacher. In just over 30 pages, all key concepts are defined and linked to each other where necessary. This guide is ideal for students in the course Sociology of Public Policy at the University of Amsterdam sociology program. 
For now, this revision guide only includes week 1 - 5 as week 6 was scratched this schoolyear. Week 6 might be added later for future students.
Sociology of public policy samenvatting van alle artikelen samengevoegd met de hoorcolleges en werkgroepen.
Extensive and well organized notes of the lecture from Sociology of Public Policy

Hoeveel heb je al uitgegeven op Stuvia? Stel je eens voor dat alle andere studenten JOU betalen voor je samenvatting. Ka-ching! Ontdek alles over verdienen op Stuvia