Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Econometrics and Operations Research
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Econometrics and Operations Research op de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Econometrics and Operations Research? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Econometrics and Operations Research op de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA).
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Vakken Econometrics and Operations Research op de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Econometrics and Operations Research op Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Econometrics and Operations Research
Gareth James, Daniela Witten • ISBN 9781461471370
Christiaan Heij, Paul De Boer • ISBN 9780199268016
Otto K. Bretscher • ISBN 9781292022147
Nieuwste samenvattingen Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Econometrics and Operations Research
This summary contains material for the course Mathematical Economics 1. Note that almost all subjects are covered, excluding the topics that can only be learned by making exercises. Therefore, I recommend you to use this document as an addition to the course material, but not a replacement.
Summary of the course materials week 5-6 Econometrics 2 UvA.
Summary of the course materials week 4 of Econometrics 2 at UvA.
Summary of the course materials of Econometrics 2 at UvA, week 1-3.
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Compact course overview for Risk theory. Written in 2021.
Recap Mathematics 4: Multivariate Analysis taught by F. Wagener. I passed this course by following the lectures, do the reading assignments and learn this recap together with practicing old exams, but without doing any exercise from the reader.
Lecture notes from the lectures of Florian Wagener.
Essential notes for the final exam of 1st year
Essential notes by me from the course book