Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Business Administration: Marketing
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Vakken Business Administration: Marketing op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Business Administration: Marketing op Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Business Administration: Marketing
Nieuwste samenvattingen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Business Administration: Marketing
This summary covers lectures, knowledge clips and key research papers, ensuring you’re fully prepared. MSc Marketing. Exam grade: 8.9
This summary covers both lectures and key research papers, ensuring you’re fully prepared. MSc Marketing. Exam grade: 8.4
All lectures summarized of consumer marketing, including examples to better understand the concepts.
Summary of the lectures with additional notes.
Alle artikelen die tijdens de hoorcolleges, werkgroepen en verplichte artikelen uitgebreid samengevat. Inclusief alle relevante foto's uit de artikelen.
This document contains a detailed summary of all the 17 articles that need to be studied for the exam.
This document contains a summary of all 6 articles that need to be studied for the Consumer Behavior exam: 
Etkin, J. (2016). The hidden cost of personal quantification. 
Novemsky, N., Dhar, R., Schwarz, N., & Simonson, I. (2007). Preference fluency in consumer choice. 
Puntoni, S., Sweldens, S., & Tavassoli, N.T. (2011). Gender identity salience and perceived vulnerability to breast cancer. 
Scott, S.E., Rozin, P., & Small, D.A. (2020). Consumers prefer “natural” more for preventat...
Exam grade: 8,4 
This summary contains all the discussed information of the lectures Consumer Behavior, including notes of the example exam questions and important information of the mandatory articles
This document summarizes the following chapters from the book: Consumer Behavior (2nd edition). Frank R. Kardes, Maria L. Cronley, & Thomas W. Cline 
1. Understanding Consumer Behavior and Consumer Research 
4. Consumer Perception 
5. Learning and Memory 
6. Automatic Information Processing 
7. Motivation and Emotion 
8. Attitude and Judgment Formation and Change 
9. The Consumer Decision Making Process 
10. Product Consideration, Evaluation, and Choice 
11. Behavioral Decision Theory ...