Integrated care - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Integrated care? Op deze pagina vind je 22 samenvattingen over Integrated care.
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Samenvatting sociaal-economische analyse ( 1213TEWKOO) - Universiteit Antwerpen
- Samenvatting • 82 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €8,93
- 10x verkocht
- + meer info
H1: Sociale rechtvaardigheid	1 
1.1 De informatiebasis	1 
1.2 Libertarisme	1 
1.3.1 Liberale theorieën: utilitarisme	2 
1.3.2 Liberale theorieën: John Rawls	2 
1.3.3 Liberale theorieën: Amartye Sen	3 
1.4 Ongelijkheid van kansen (=opportuniteiten)	4 
1.4.1 Collectivistische theorieën (“collective ownership”): Socialisme & Sociale democratie (vorm socialisme)	5 
1.4.2 Marxisme	5 
1.5 Kritieken stromingen op elkaar ( niet veel nieuws)	5 
H2: Economische efficiëntie en de overheid (bekijk ...
All cases EPH3021
All lectures (including guest lectures) from EPH3021

All Lecture Notes - (Public) Health Care Systems in the EU (EPH3021)
- Samenvatting • 89 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €9,99
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
Notes from all 12 lectures of this *new* course (Sep-Oct 2022) ** Cleanly organised & easy to follow! ** Topics included: Health systems comparisons; The economics of health care; Health system performance; Polish healthcare system; Incentives in health care; USA healthcare system; Patient charges in Europe; Value-based payments in healthcare; Integrated care; Healthcare system resilience; Health information systems ** Make sure to “Follow” for future course content! Please rate, comment and...

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 6 pagina's • 2024
- €14,25
- + meer info
What does a comprehensive systematic analysis following a 
sentinel event help identify? - CORRECT ANSWER-The 
contributory factors associated with the event. 
Which of the following is part of the integrated Ethics model? - 
CORRECT ANSWER-supports ethical behavior in everyday 
interactions in the workplace 
What is an example of patients' rights? - CORRECT ANSWER 
Patients are entitled to refuse an experimental drug. 
Acceptable patient identif...

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 4 pagina's • 2024
- €14,25
- + meer info
What does a comprehensive systematic analysis following a 
sentinel event help identify? - CORRECT ANSWER-The 
contributory factors associated with the event. 
Which of the following is part of the integrated Ethics model? - 
CORRECT ANSWER-supports ethical behavior in everyday 
interactions in the workplace 
What is an example of patients' rights? - CORRECT ANSWER 
Patients are entitled to refuse an experimental drug. 
Acceptable patient ...

CPDC: Samenvatting artikelen
- Samenvatting • 39 pagina's • 2024
- €6,49
- + meer info
Dit document bevat een samenvatting van de artikelen die gelezen moeten worden, met uitzondering van het boek van Reflecteren: de basis, van Groen. Dit is onderdeel van het vak Clinical Professional in Different Contexts aan de Universiteit Utrecht, wat een vak is in de master Clinical Child, Family, and Education Studies. Dit document wordt aangevuld wanneer er meer gelezen moet worden gedurende dit vak. 
Het bevat de volgende artikelen: 
- H.4 uit het boek Family Therapy Skills and Techniqu...

HSA - Block 1 exam 2023 with 100% correct answers
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 36 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €15,68
- + meer info
What is the AFMS Mission - correct answer -Enable Medically Fit Forces, Provide Expeditionary Medics, and Improve the Health of All We Serve to Meet Our Nation's Needs. 
What is the AFMS Vision - correct answer -Our Supported Population is the Healthiest and Highest Performing Segment of the U.S. by 2025. 
What are the four areas of the Quadruple Aim and associated goals - correct answer -Readiness, Better care, Best value, Better health 
Readiness associated goals - correct answer -1. Ma...

OHIO NHA |Nursing Home Administrator| Practice Exam (100% Correct) |Verified| Already Passed!!
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 37 pagina's • 2024
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €9,30
- + meer info
OHIO NHA |Nursing Home Administrator| 
Practice Exam (100% Correct) |Verified| 
Already Passed!! 
What are the critical components of a comprehensive risk management program in a nursing home? 
A comprehensive risk management program includes identifying potential risks, implementing 
preventive measures, monitoring incidents, and continuously evaluating and improving safety protocols. 
Discuss the ethical considerations that Nursing Home Administrators must address when implementing 

Samenvatting Patient Centered Care Delivery (GW4002)
- Samenvatting • 42 pagina's • 2022
- €5,99
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of the course patient centered care delivery based on literature and lectures + summaries of all literature (listed below): 
Rathert et al. (2013). Patient-Centered Care and Outcomes: A Systematic Review of the Literature 
Jayadevappa et al. (2011). Patient Centered Care – A Conceptual Model 
and Review of the State of the Art 
Lacy et al. (2008). Evidence-based and Patient-centered Care: Results from an STFM Group Project 
Friedberg et al. (2014). Association between Participation ...

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