People analytics - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen

Op zoek naar een samenvatting over People analytics? Op deze pagina vind je 26 samenvattingen over People analytics.

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Summary HR Analytics
  • Summary HR Analytics

  • Samenvatting • 73 pagina's • 2022
  • Summary of the following literature: 1. Edwards, M., & Edwards, K. (2019). Predictive HR Analytics: Mastering the HR Metrics (2nd ed). London: Kogan Page. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 & 12 (use other chapters to refresh your statistical knowledge and see applications of statistical tools on real HR problems) 2. Khan, N., & Millner, D. (2020). Introduction to People Analytics: A practical guide to Data-Driven HR. London: Kogan Page. Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 & 10 3. Cascio, W. F., Boudreau, J. W., ...
  • annevandentillaar
  • €7,98
  • 42x verkocht
  • + meer info
Samenvatting HR Analytics -  People Analytics Samenvatting HR Analytics -  People Analytics
  • Samenvatting HR Analytics - People Analytics

  • Samenvatting • 8 pagina's • 2023
  • People Analytics is ook wel te vergelijken met HR Analytics. Het leerdoel van het vak is: Je analyseert business data en vertaalt deze naar HR data, zodanig dat je tot onderbouwde HR adviezen kan komen gebaseerd op deze data.
  • fwittkowski
  • €5,49
  • 1x verkocht
  • + meer info
Praktijkopdracht keuzevak People Analytics, CIJFER: 7,3 Praktijkopdracht keuzevak People Analytics, CIJFER: 7,3
  • Praktijkopdracht keuzevak People Analytics, CIJFER: 7,3

  • Essay • 29 pagina's • 2023
  • Voor mijn tweedejaarskeuzevak heb ik besloten om te duiken in People Analytics. De evaluatie voor dit vak draaide om een praktijkopdracht, waarbij mijn projectgroep en ik een diepgaand onderzoek uitvoerden voor een echt bedrijf om een specifiek probleem aan te pakken. We hebben dit onderzoek stap voor stap uitgevoerd volgens de rubric die op Brightspace te vinden zijn. Dit omvatte het uitvoeren van een validiteitscheck, het houden van interviews met de opdrachtgever en het creëren van een Me...
  • Zehraaa
  • €8,38
  • + meer info
Samenvatting Educatieve technologie Colleges + Literatuur
  • Samenvatting Educatieve technologie Colleges + Literatuur

  • Samenvatting • 50 pagina's • 2023
  • Samenvatting van alle colleges + integratie in elk hoofdstuk van de teksten die bij elk college horen: - NAP-tekst: How people learn - learners, contexts and cultures - Les 1: Geschiedenis van educatieve technologie - Les 2: Mediadebat - Les 3: Digitale competenties & ICT in onderwijs - Les 4: Computationeel denken - Les 5: CSCL (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning) - Les 6: Gepersonaliseerde instructie - Les 7: Multimediaprincipes - Les 8: Twee demo's (Learning spaces & AR e...
  • lorenoppe
  • €10,49
  • 2x verkocht
  • + meer info

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 57 pagina's • 2024
  • PROCESSING EXAM 10.0 PRACTICE TEST AND ANSWERS Basic Processing Workflow - CORRECT ANSWER-1. Create new custodian entries in the Entities tab to correspond with the individuals who hold the files you intend to process. 2. Create new password bank entries to unlock any password protected files you intend to process. 3. Create a new processing profile to specify the settings you want the processing engine to refer to when completing your processing jobs. 4. Create a new proces...
  • €17,58
  • + meer info
UX Design Institute - Professional Diploma Final Exam Questions And Answers. Verified and Updated
  • UX Design Institute - Professional Diploma Final Exam Questions And Answers. Verified and Updated

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 17 pagina's • 2024
  • UX Design Institute - Professional Diploma Final Exam Questions And Answers. Verified and Updated Concept: Golden Thread - answerset of concepts/ideas that articulate UX design process; 1. UX design is a problem solving discipline 2. UX is a process 3. UX is a research-based discipline 4. Qualitative research is more insightful than quantitative 5. Flow is important to creating a pleasant experience 6. UX is a tool for minimizing risk of wasting time/money and of building poor quality p...
  • Thebright
  • €11,87
  • + meer info
Complete WEEK2  note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM) Complete WEEK2  note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM)
  • Complete WEEK2 note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM)

  • College aantekeningen • 17 pagina's • 2024
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • THIS IS A COMPLETE NOTE FROM ALL BOOKS + LECTURE! Save your time for internships, other courses by studying over this note! Are you a 1st/2nd year of Business Analytics Management student at RSM, who want to survive the block 2 Machine Learning module? Are you overwhelmed with 30 pages of reading every week with brand-new terms and formulas? If you are lost in where to start or if you are struggling to keep up due to the other courses, or if you are just willing to learn about Machine Lea...
  • ArisMaya
  • €10,99
  • + meer info
Complete WEEK6  note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM) Complete WEEK6  note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM)
  • Complete WEEK6 note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM)

  • College aantekeningen • 14 pagina's • 2024
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • THIS IS A COMPLETE NOTE FROM ALL BOOKS + LECTURE! Save your time for internships, other courses by studying over this note! Are you a 1st/2nd year of Business Analytics Management student at RSM, who want to survive the block 2 Machine Learning module? Are you overwhelmed with 30 pages of reading every week with brand-new terms and formulas? If you are lost in where to start or if you are struggling to keep up due to the other courses, or if you are just willing to learn about Machine Lea...
  • ArisMaya
  • €14,99
  • + meer info
Complete WEEK3  note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM) Complete WEEK3  note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM)
  • Complete WEEK3 note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM)

  • College aantekeningen • 13 pagina's • 2024
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • THIS IS A COMPLETE NOTE FROM ALL BOOKS + LECTURE! Save your time for internships, other courses by studying over this note! Are you a 1st/2nd year of Business Analytics Management student at RSM, who want to survive the block 2 Machine Learning module? Are you overwhelmed with 30 pages of reading every week with brand-new terms and formulas? If you are lost in where to start or if you are struggling to keep up due to the other courses, or if you are just willing to learn about Machine Lea...
  • ArisMaya
  • €12,99
  • + meer info
Complete WEEK4  note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM) Complete WEEK4  note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM)
  • Complete WEEK4 note: Machine Learning & Learning Algorithms(BM05BAM)

  • College aantekeningen • 13 pagina's • 2024
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • THIS IS A COMPLETE NOTE FROM ALL BOOKS + LECTURE! Save your time for internships, other courses by studying over this note! Are you a 1st/2nd year of Business Analytics Management student at RSM, who want to survive the block 2 Machine Learning module? Are you overwhelmed with 30 pages of reading every week with brand-new terms and formulas? If you are lost in where to start or if you are struggling to keep up due to the other courses, or if you are just willing to learn about Machine Lea...
  • ArisMaya
  • €10,99
  • + meer info