Politics of migration - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Politics of migration? Op deze pagina vind je 12 samenvattingen over Politics of migration.
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volledige samenvatting van perspectieven op publieke vraagstukken
- Samenvatting • 80 pagina's • 2024
- €8,49
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
Dit document is een samenvatting van alle artikelen die je moet kennen voor dit vak. Dit document bevat ook uitgebreide aantekeningen van de hoorcolleges. Een all-in samenvatting dus. het bevat de volgende literatuur: 
Head, B.W. & Alford, J. (2015). Wicked Problems: Implications for Public Policy and Management, Administration & Society, 47(6), 711-739. 
Noordegraaf, M., Douglas, S., Geuijen, K., en Van der Steen, M. (2019). Weaknesses of wickedness: a critical perspective on wickedness th...

Migration & Population Dynamics: samenvatting hoorcolleges
- College aantekeningen • 90 pagina's • 2024 Populair
- €10,49
- 1x verkocht
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Dit document bevat een samenvatting van alle hoorcolleges Migration & Population Dynamics uit het jaar 2022/2023 (het document bevat dus geen expliciete literatuur samenvattingen). Het gaat om de volgende colleges: 
Lecture 1 Population	 
Lecture 2 International Migration 
Lecture 3 reception of asylum seekers 
Lecture 4 Migration Policy 
Lecture 5 Asylum Migration in OECD countries 
Lecture 6 location choice 
Lecture 7 Effects of ethnic residential segregation 
Lecture 8 Economic effects...
Full summary of the seminar Politics of Migration

Perspectieven op publieke vraagstukken (USG5060) samenvatting alle artikelen
- Samenvatting • 24 pagina's • 2024
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,49
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Artikel 1: Weaknesses of wickedness: a critical perspective on wickedness theory (Head & Alford, 2015) 
Artikel 2: Wicked Problems: Implications for Public Policy and Management (Noordegraaf et al., 2019) 
Artikel 3: Core Concepts and Key Ideas for Understanding Public Sector Organizational Networks: Using Research to Inform Scholarship and Practice (Provan & Lemaire, 2012) 
Artikel 4: Managing for Value: Organizational Strategy in For-Profit, Nonprofit, and Governmental Organizations (Moore, 20...
Samenvatting literatuur tentamen Migration and Global Development: Key Themes

Samenvatting hoorcolleges&boek European Politics and Policy (EUPP) 2022/2023
- Samenvatting • 55 pagina's • 2022
- €19,99
- 11x verkocht
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Samenvatting hoorcolleges&boek European Politics and Policy, EUPP. 
M.u.v. gastcollege (7e hoorcollege). 
Boek: European Union Politics, John McCormick, 3e editie. 
Voor een andere studie gebruiken? Deze onderwerpen komen aan bod: 
Week 1: what is the EU and why integrate/differentiate? 
Week 2: Interactions between EU institutions: The Council and the European Parliament 
Week 3: Interactions between EU institutions: The European Commission and the European Court of Justice 
Week 4: Compari...

Comparative Analysis of Political Systems Notes on *SOME* Readings - GRADE 6,0
- Samenvatting • 26 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €7,99
- 6x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of *SOME* of the material for the final exam (2022) for Comparative Analysis of Political Systems. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 26 pages): 
Patrick H. O’Neil, Karl Fields and Don Share’s book (7th edition, 2020) “Cases in Comparative Politics”, chapters 1-2. 
Craig Calhoun’s journal article (1993) “Nationalism and Ethnicity”, pp. 211-239. 
Seymour Martin Lipset and Stein Rokkan’s chapter (1967) “Cleavage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments” in Peter M...

Summary The Age of Migration final term
- Samenvatting • 15 pagina's • 2024
- €9,49
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This comprehensive document provides a detailed summary of key chapters exploring the multifaceted dynamics of migration. It offers insights into: 
- Chapter 10 the state, politics and migration 
- Chapter 13 new ethnic minorities and society 
- Chapter 11 the evolution and effectiveness of migration policies 
- Chapter 14 migration and development in origin societies 
- Chapter 4 migration, ethnicity and identity 
- Chapter 15 conclusion 
The document includes essential conc...

Summary of all the literature of Social and institutional change, 2023
- Samenvatting • 59 pagina's • 2023
- €8,89
- 11x verkocht
- + meer info
This is a summary of all the required and further readings of Social and institutional change. It is written in English. It contains the required and further readings, including: 
-	Comparing theories of institutional change (Kingston and Caballero) 
-	Five rules for the evolution of cooperation (Nowak) 
-	Models of the welfare state (Manow) 
-	Culture and welfare state policies: reflections on a complex 
interrelation (Pfau-Effinger) 
-	Immigration and welfare states: a survey of 15 years of ...

Summary of politics of migration and diversity GMD year 2019-2020
- Samenvatting • 31 pagina's • 2021
- €7,99
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
It's a summary of all the themes, theories/authors we dicussed during politics of migration and diversity course of GMD class 2019-2020. It includes 8 weeks of classes. I used it for the exam and got a nice grade.

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