Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper JoopColier.
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9 Ontvangen beoordelingen
4 items
Pre-Msc Health bundel
Three summaries for the Pre-Msc track BA Health: Organizational theory and design, Healthcare management and HRM
- Voordeelbundel
- • 3 items •
- Samenvatting Healthcare Management, ISBN: 9780335263523 Healthcare Management • Samenvatting
- Samenvatting Human Resource Management, ISBN: 9781544331317 Human Resource Management • Samenvatting
- Samenvatting Organizational Theory, Design, and Change, ISBN: 9780132729949 Organization Theory & Design For Pre-MSc + Summary Stouten et al. (2018) • Samenvatting
Three summaries for the Pre-Msc track BA Health: Organizational theory and design, Healthcare management and HRM
Samenvatting Human Resource Management, ISBN: 9781544331317 Human Resource Management
Summary of HRM (EBB617B05) taught in the Pre-Msc program and in the regular B&M program. With important tabels a concepts of the book.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 36 pagina's •
Summary of HRM (EBB617B05) taught in the Pre-Msc program and in the regular B&M program. With important tabels a concepts of the book.
Samenvatting Organizational Theory, Design, and Change, ISBN: 9780132729949 Organization Theory & Design For Pre-MSc + Summary Stouten et al. (2018)
Concept list with all the definitions of the book. Including some summary of some of the most important models: Pondy's model of conflict and the article of Stouten et al. (2018)
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 29 pagina's •
Concept list with all the definitions of the book. Including some summary of some of the most important models: Pondy's model of conflict and the article of Stouten et al. (2018)
Samenvatting Healthcare Management, ISBN: 9780335263523 Healthcare Management
Short summary of healthcare management provided of all the chapters needed for the assignments and exam. Including definitions of the most important concepts and tables of the book.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 24 pagina's •
Short summary of healthcare management provided of all the chapters needed for the assignments and exam. Including definitions of the most important concepts and tables of the book.
Samenvatting Healthcare Management, ISBN: 9780335263523 Healthcare Management
Samenvatting Healthcare Management, ISBN: 9780335263523 Healthcare Management
Samenvatting Healthcare Management, ISBN: 9780335263523 Healthcare Management
Samenvatting Healthcare Management, ISBN: 9780335263523 Healthcare Management
Samenvatting Healthcare Management, ISBN: 9780335263523 Healthcare Management