

Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper NGardner.


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28 Ontvangen beoordelingen

27 items

Block 4 third year LLB international and european law

9x  verkocht

Notes for both courses that feature in the last block of thr 3rd year LLB programme!

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  • Voordeelbundel
  •  • 2 items • 
  • door NGardner • 
  • geupload  2022
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Introduction to International and European law notes

3x  verkocht

Comprehensive summary of the course which has a logical flow. This document is tailored towards a successful exam as it only contains information that seemed highly relevant from lectures/books. I obtained a grade 9 using this document to study from.

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 41 pagina's • 
  • door NGardner • 
  • geupload  2022
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Commercial dispute resolution summary

6x  verkocht

Summary of all cases and lectures with table of contents that makes each section easily accessible for writing the exam paper. I was able to attain a grade 9 in the exam using these notes to study from!

i x
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 37 pagina's • 
  • door NGardner • 
  • geupload  2022
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Decision making in the european union

0x  verkocht

A comprehensive and easy to use summary of all the materials from this course required to score well in the exam. I combined the lecture/book to make a succinct document that avoids repetition.

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 55 pagina's • 
  • door NGardner • 
  • geupload  2021
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Introduction to common law exam notes (with cases)

12x  verkocht

Everything you need to know for the introduction to common law course- cases are integrated into the content to make it easier to comprehend. I was awarded a grade 10 on the exam :)

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 52 pagina's • 
  • door NGardner • 
  • geupload  2021
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Data protection and human rights exam notes

11x  verkocht

These are exam notes for all the materials covered in the course, sectioned into 5 main areas- human rights, application of human rights online, right to privacy v right to data protection, application of the GDPR and application of the Police Directive 2016/680. I recieved a grade 10 in the exam and I used these notes to study from.

i x
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 54 pagina's • 
  • door NGardner • 
  • geupload  2021
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European Law detailed case summaries

9x  verkocht

This provides a very in depth summary of each of the cases from this course including the paragraph numbers that are of importance in the reader. Please note, I am also have a document which is a shorter summary of the cases available on Stuvia.

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 92 pagina's • 
  • door NGardner • 
  • geupload  2020
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