Mijn naam is Tjeerd, 2e jaars Sociologie student. Vanaf mijn eerste college tot en met het heden heb ik samenvattingen gemaakt van de colleges en gelezen artikelen. Sociologie wordt op de Erasmus Universiteit gegeven in PGO - probleem gestuurd onderwijs. Dit houdt in dat je antwoorden moet vinden in de literatuur op zelf gevormde leerdoelen. Die doe je in groepen van 10-13 man. Hun aantekeningen zijn tevens opgenomen in de samenvattingen.
Succes met leren!
- 6
- 0
- 2
- Volgers
- Volgend
35 Ontvangen beoordelingen
10 items

Summary articles Business Architecture and Consultancy
Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation

Dawson, Watson & Boudreau (2011). Information Asymmetry in Information Systems Consulting: Toward a Theory of Relationship Constraints
Wu, Straub & Liang (2015). How Information Technology Governance Mechanisms and Strategic Alignment Influence Organizational Performance: Insights from a Matched Survey of Business and IT Managers
Vermerris, Mocker & Van Heck (2013). No time to waste: the role of
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 42 pagina's •
Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation

Dawson, Watson & Boudreau (2011). Information Asymmetry in Information Systems Consulting: Toward a Theory of Relationship Constraints
Wu, Straub & Liang (2015). How Information Technology Governance Mechanisms and Strategic Alignment Influence Organizational Performance: Insights from a Matched Survey of Business and IT Managers
Vermerris, Mocker & Van Heck (2013). No time to waste: the role of

Performance Management @Tilburg
The lectures and summary of all articles of Performance Management (Master course HR Studies @Tilburg)
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
The lectures and summary of all articles of Performance Management (Master course HR Studies @Tilburg)

International HRM @Tilburg
International HRM, both the lectures and book!
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
- Summary Book International Human Resource Management (Tilburg University) • Samenvatting
- Summary Lectures International Human Resource Management (Tilburg University) • College aantekeningen
International HRM, both the lectures and book!

Summary Lectures International Human Resource Management (Tilburg University)
Summary of all the lectures given by Kerstin Alfes in International Human Resources Management (really good lectures!)
- Voordeelbundel
- College aantekeningen
- • 30 pagina's •
Summary of all the lectures given by Kerstin Alfes in International Human Resources Management (really good lectures!)

Summary Book International Human Resource Management (Tilburg University)
Summary of International Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises (Global HRM)
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 51 pagina's •
Summary of International Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises (Global HRM)

Samenvatting colleges / Summary lectures Performance Management (Human Resource Management @ Tilburg University)
Summary of all the lectures given by Renee de Reuver in Performance Management.
- Voordeelbundel
- College aantekeningen
- • 22 pagina's •
Summary of all the lectures given by Renee de Reuver in Performance Management.

Samenvatting artikelen / Summary articles Performance Management (Human Resource Management @ Tilburg University)
Summary of the lectures and articles we had to read for Performance Management (Master HRS Studies @ Tilburg University). The following articles are included:
Schraeder & Jordan (2011). Managing performance: A practical perspective on managing employee performance.
Aguinis (2009). An Expanded View of Performance Management
Biron, Farndale, & Paauwe (2011) Performance management effectiveness: lessons from world-leading firms
Merchant (1982). The control function of management
Cascio & Aguinis (...
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 47 pagina's •
Summary of the lectures and articles we had to read for Performance Management (Master HRS Studies @ Tilburg University). The following articles are included:
Schraeder & Jordan (2011). Managing performance: A practical perspective on managing employee performance.
Aguinis (2009). An Expanded View of Performance Management
Biron, Farndale, & Paauwe (2011) Performance management effectiveness: lessons from world-leading firms
Merchant (1982). The control function of management
Cascio & Aguinis (...

Identiteit 1: Gender, familie en de verzorgingsstaat (Bachelor 1)
Sociologie wordt gegeven in de vorm van PGO - probleem gestuurd onderwijs. Alle acht problemen worden uitgebreid behandeld. Daarnaast bevat deze samenvatting aantekeningen van de gegeven colleges.
- Samenvatting
- • 23 pagina's •
Sociologie wordt gegeven in de vorm van PGO - probleem gestuurd onderwijs. Alle acht problemen worden uitgebreid behandeld. Daarnaast bevat deze samenvatting aantekeningen van de gegeven colleges.
Vrouwelijke afgunst tegenover technologie vanwege hun natuurbeeld (Bachelor 2)
Summary Book International Human Resource Management (Tilburg University)
Summary Book International Human Resource Management (Tilburg University)
Summary Big Data and Analytics
Summary literature HR Metrics