Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper jessicavandelft.
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18 items
Strategy Consulting - FULL COURSE SUMMARY 2023
Summary of all chapters of bulletproof problem solving + articles + lectures. I took multiple summaries together and combined it into a new document with all new articles. Good luck studying!
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 58 pagina's •
Summary of all chapters of bulletproof problem solving + articles + lectures. I took multiple summaries together and combined it into a new document with all new articles. Good luck studying!
Managing People Strategically (6314M0117Y) - Assignment 3
Assignment 3 of Managing People Strategically. Assignment = You are a successful manager and are asked to write a blog entry read by companies about how to optimize performance of teams and individuals. Based on the literature, what do you recommend in your blog to your fellow managers?
- Essay
- • 4 pagina's •
Assignment 3 of Managing People Strategically. Assignment = You are a successful manager and are asked to write a blog entry read by companies about how to optimize performance of teams and individuals. Based on the literature, what do you recommend in your blog to your fellow managers?
Managing People Strategically (6314M0117Y) - Assignment 5
Assignment 5 of Managing People Strategically. Assignment = You are a consultant hired by a company to address the mounting stress levels of their employees and rising absenteeism due to sick leave. What do you recommend for the (1) company to change structurally and to the (2) individual employees? Write a report.
- Essay
- • 5 pagina's •
Assignment 5 of Managing People Strategically. Assignment = You are a consultant hired by a company to address the mounting stress levels of their employees and rising absenteeism due to sick leave. What do you recommend for the (1) company to change structurally and to the (2) individual employees? Write a report.
Managing People Strategically (6314M0117Y) - Assignment 1
Assignment 1 of Managing People Strategically, Assignment = explain what is meant by “strength of the HR system” and why it is important. You give a short example on what such a system looks like in a company - preferably an existing company - or make up an example on what this looks like in the company that you supposedly work in
- Essay
- • 4 pagina's •
Assignment 1 of Managing People Strategically, Assignment = explain what is meant by “strength of the HR system” and why it is important. You give a short example on what such a system looks like in a company - preferably an existing company - or make up an example on what this looks like in the company that you supposedly work in
Leadership (6314M0176Y) Individual Assignment
Example of leadership assignment course 6314M0176Y. Grade 8.5
- Essay
- • 18 pagina's •
Example of leadership assignment course 6314M0176Y. Grade 8.5
FULL COURSE SUMMARY - Theories of Leadership & Management (6314M0229Y)
Full course summary of all lectures and all articles of Theories of Leadership & Management
- Samenvatting
- • 67 pagina's •
Full course summary of all lectures and all articles of Theories of Leadership & Management
FULL COURSE SUMMARY - Personnel Instruments
Full course summary of Personnel Instruments, including lectures, book chapters and tutorials for RUG master students
- Samenvatting
- • 67 pagina's •
Full course summary of Personnel Instruments, including lectures, book chapters and tutorials for RUG master students
FULL COURSE SUMMARY - Stress, health & sustainable working life
Full course summary of the elective course 'stress, health & sustainable working life' including lectures, tutorials and articles.
- Samenvatting
- • 81 pagina's •
Full course summary of the elective course 'stress, health & sustainable working life' including lectures, tutorials and articles.
Personell Economics Assignment Lecture 2
Personell Economics Assignment Lecture 2 about human capital theory and labour turnover
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Essay
- • 5 pagina's •
Personell Economics Assignment Lecture 2 about human capital theory and labour turnover
Personell Economics Assignment Lecture 3
Personell Economics Assignment Lecture 3 about individual and advanced job design
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Essay
- • 6 pagina's •
Personell Economics Assignment Lecture 3 about individual and advanced job design
FULL COURSE SUMMARY - Theories of Leadership & Management (6314M0229Y)
FULL COURSE SUMMARY - Theories of Leadership & Management (6314M0229Y)
FULL COURSE SUMMARY - Personnel Instruments
FULL COURSE SUMMARY - Stress, health & sustainable working life
FULL COURSE SUMMARY - Personnel Instruments