Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper kimvanloon.
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18 Ontvangen beoordelingen
13 items

Media strategies - Assignment: Media plan
Media strategies, assignment: Media plan. Example of how a media plan can be written. This assignment received an 8,5. The brand for which this media plan was written: 'Toverland' (Dutch theme park).
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- • 34 pagina's •
Media strategies, assignment: Media plan. Example of how a media plan can be written. This assignment received an 8,5. The brand for which this media plan was written: 'Toverland' (Dutch theme park).

Media Strategies
Media strategies, lecture notes and summary of all articles for this course. Information can be used for the assignment of this course: the writing of a media plan for a brand.
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- • 25 pagina's •
Media strategies, lecture notes and summary of all articles for this course. Information can be used for the assignment of this course: the writing of a media plan for a brand.

Strategic Communication in Organizations (SCiO), exam 2, week 7-12
Strategic Communication in Organizations (SCiO), exam 2, week 7-12. Lecture notes, assignments (study questions), summary of all articles, exam question example with answers provided by teacher.
- Voordeelbundel
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- • 88 pagina's •
Strategic Communication in Organizations (SCiO), exam 2, week 7-12. Lecture notes, assignments (study questions), summary of all articles, exam question example with answers provided by teacher.

Strategic Communication in Organizations (SCiO), exam 1, week 1-6
Strategic Communication in Organizations (SCiO), exam 1, week 1-6. Lecture notes, assignments (study questions), summary of all articles, exam question example with answers provided by teacher.
- Voordeelbundel
- Overig
- • 28 pagina's •
Strategic Communication in Organizations (SCiO), exam 1, week 1-6. Lecture notes, assignments (study questions), summary of all articles, exam question example with answers provided by teacher.

Strategic Communication of Organizations (SCoO) week 7-11
Strategic Communication of Organizations (SCoO), second exam, week 7 - 11. Summary of all articles for the second exam.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 53 pagina's •
Strategic Communication of Organizations (SCoO), second exam, week 7 - 11. Summary of all articles for the second exam.

Strategic Communication of Organizations (SCoO) week 1 - 6
Strategic Communication of Organizations (SCoO), first exam, week 1 - 6. Summary of all articles for the first exam.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 51 pagina's •
Strategic Communication of Organizations (SCoO), first exam, week 1 - 6. Summary of all articles for the first exam.

Introduction to Research Methodology (IRM), Assignment 1: Research proposal
Introduction to Research Methodology (IRM), Assignment 1: Research proposal.
- Essay
- • 9 pagina's •
Introduction to Research Methodology (IRM), Assignment 1: Research proposal.
Introduction to Research Methodology (IRM), Assignment 1: Research proposal
Introduction to Research Methodology, Brymans social research methods
Strategic Communication in Organizations (SCiO), exam 1, week 1-6
Strategic Communication of Organizations (SCoO) week 7-11
Strategic Communication of Organizations (SCoO) week 7-11