Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper leetje99.
- 19
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1 Ontvangen beoordelingen
24 items

Samenvatting anatomie en fysiologie deel 2
Uitgebreide samenvatting van de colleges van het vak anatomie en fysiologie. Bevat het 2e deel (HC 7 t/m HC12). Ik had een 8.5 voor het tentamen!
- Samenvatting
- • 52 pagina's •
Uitgebreide samenvatting van de colleges van het vak anatomie en fysiologie. Bevat het 2e deel (HC 7 t/m HC12). Ik had een 8.5 voor het tentamen!

Samenvatting anatomie & fysiologie deel 1
Uitgebreide samenvatting van de hoorcolleges van anatomie en fysiologie. Bevat HC 1 t/m HC 7. Ik had een 8.5 voor het tentamen!
- Samenvatting
- • 38 pagina's •
Uitgebreide samenvatting van de hoorcolleges van anatomie en fysiologie. Bevat HC 1 t/m HC 7. Ik had een 8.5 voor het tentamen!

Samenvatting anatomie & fysiologie
Uitgebreide samenvatting van het vak anatomie en fysiologie met alle colleges en bijbehorende plaatjes! Sommige uitwerkingen van de practica zitten er ook tussen. Ik had voor het tentamen een 8,5 :)
- Samenvatting
- • 88 pagina's •
Uitgebreide samenvatting van het vak anatomie en fysiologie met alle colleges en bijbehorende plaatjes! Sommige uitwerkingen van de practica zitten er ook tussen. Ik had voor het tentamen een 8,5 :)

Concise summary of molecular infection biology
A very concise summary of all lectures given in the course of molecular infection biology (MIB). Made a shorter summary of my very comprehensive summary with (most of) all the important concepts. They look a bit of study cards. Got the highest grade of the resit exam :).
- Samenvatting
- • 43 pagina's •
A very concise summary of all lectures given in the course of molecular infection biology (MIB). Made a shorter summary of my very comprehensive summary with (most of) all the important concepts. They look a bit of study cards. Got the highest grade of the resit exam :).

Summary Science and Communication
Summary of all lectures given in the course of science and communication, including images.
- Samenvatting
- • 34 pagina's •
Summary of all lectures given in the course of science and communication, including images.

Mega Bundle of Research Methods for Analyzing Complex Problems
Covering all course material, of both exams 1 and 2, and also additional study cards that cover the most important concepts of the course. I first studied the summary of the lectures and then the study cards and it got me a very high grade! :)
- Voordeelbundel
- • 4 items •
- Summary Research Methods for Analyzing Complex Problems (RMCP) Exam 1 (DT 1) • Samenvatting
- Summary Research Methods for Analyzing Complex Problems (RMCP) Exam 2 (DT 2) • Samenvatting
- Concise summary of research methods for analyzing complex problems (RMCP) exam 1 (DT 1) • Samenvatting
- Concise summary of Research methods for analyzing complex problems (RMCP) exam 2 (DT 2) • Samenvatting
Covering all course material, of both exams 1 and 2, and also additional study cards that cover the most important concepts of the course. I first studied the summary of the lectures and then the study cards and it got me a very high grade! :)

Short summary Research Methods for Analyzing Complex Problems exam 1+2
A concise summary of the full course material of RMCP, so exam 1 and 2 (DT 1 + 2). Written by myself. It covers the most import concepts, but not all material, so if you want all material, you should look at my other summaries of RMCP.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
A concise summary of the full course material of RMCP, so exam 1 and 2 (DT 1 + 2). Written by myself. It covers the most import concepts, but not all material, so if you want all material, you should look at my other summaries of RMCP.

Summary Research Methods for Analyzing Complex Problems exam 1 + 2 (full)
A comprehensive and detailed summary of all the lectures given in RMCP! Images are included!
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
A comprehensive and detailed summary of all the lectures given in RMCP! Images are included!

Concise summary of Research methods for analyzing complex problems (RMCP) exam 2 (DT 2)
Concise summary of all lectures for RMCP covering exam 2 (DT 2). Includes the most important material for the exam. Not all material is described in here, for a complete summary, look at my other summary for RMCP! These are kind of study cards!
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 35 pagina's •
Concise summary of all lectures for RMCP covering exam 2 (DT 2). Includes the most important material for the exam. Not all material is described in here, for a complete summary, look at my other summary for RMCP! These are kind of study cards!

Concise summary of research methods for analyzing complex problems (RMCP) exam 1 (DT 1)
Very concise summary of the (probably) most important concepts of the course material of RMCP (for exam 1). I made them myself after studying the course material. They look a bit like study cards! I got a 8.9 for this first exam :)
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 26 pagina's •
Very concise summary of the (probably) most important concepts of the course material of RMCP (for exam 1). I made them myself after studying the course material. They look a bit like study cards! I got a 8.9 for this first exam :)
Summary Research Methods for Analyzing Complex Problems (RMCP) Exam 2 (DT 2)