

Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper mariekedeboer2.


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2 Ontvangen beoordelingen

8 items

Digital marketing & technology and Marketing strategy complete summaries

3x  verkocht

This bundle contains the full summaries of the courses Digital marketing & technology and Marketing strategy of period 2 of the Msc. Marketing 2021-2022 (VU). The Digital marketing & technology summary contains all the lectures and academic articles. The Marketing Strategy summary contains the knowledge clips, lectures and obligatory articles.

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  • Voordeelbundel
  •  • 2 items • 
  • door mariekedeboer2 • 
  • geupload  2022
i x

Marketing Strategy lectures, obligatory articles and knowledge clips summary | Msc. Marketing Vu 2021-2022

7x  verkocht

This is a summary of the course Marketing Strategy from the Msc. Marketing 2021-2022 (VU). This document contains a summary of all the knowledge clips, live lectures and all the obligatory academic articles. The findings of the articles are explained. The summary includes practice exam questions.

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  •  Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 87 pagina's • 
  • door mariekedeboer2 • 
  • geupload  2022
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i x

Consumer marketing and customer and marketing analytics lecture summaries

1x  verkocht

This bundle contains both in-depth lecture summaries of the two courses consumer marketing and customer & marketing analytics of the Master marketing at the VU.

i x
  • Voordeelbundel
  •  • 2 items • 
  • door mariekedeboer2 • 
  • geupload  2022
i x

Consumer Marketing - In-depth summary of lectures (includes articles)

5x  verkocht

Lecture summary and notes of the course Consumer Marketing from Msc Marketing 2021-2022 (VU). This document contains an in-depth summary of the lectures with elaboration on all the articles and graphs. The findings of the articles are explained and the wise frameworks for each article are included.

i x
  •  Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 107 pagina's • 
  • door mariekedeboer2 • 
  • geupload  2022
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i x

Summary important articles - Advertising (MSC Marketing at Vu Amsterdam)

3x  verkocht

In depth summary of the four important articles for the course Advertising from the Master programma Marketing given at the VU Amsterdam. Those four articles were the most important articles because the paper-based questions on the exam were about these four articles. Summary of articles from Danaher, Kim, Tirunillai and Guitart.

i x
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 15 pagina's • 
  • door mariekedeboer2 • 
  • geupload  2022
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Summary lectures Nudge: influencing behavior Vu Amsterdam

1x  verkocht

This summary of the course Nudge: Influencing Behavior within the Minor Understanding and Influencing Decisions in Business & Society contains all the material of the lectures that have been discussed. This also largely includes the material from the book by Richard & Thaler and Robert. B. Cialdini. This summary is also provided with clear, extensive examples and explanations that were also used during the lectures.

i x
  •  Boek
  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 57 pagina's • 
  • door mariekedeboer2 • 
  • geupload  2021
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