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23 Ontvangen beoordelingen
8 items

Summary Conflicts in the Middle East
Summary Conflicts in the Middle East, MA Middle Eastern Studies (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Literature additional information during lectures and seminars. 

0. Introduction to Middle East and Islam; 1. Olivier Roy - The Politics of Chaos in the Middle East; 2. Hinnebusch & Rifai - Syria: Identity, State Formation, and Citizenship; 3. Baumann - From Dreaming to Meaning: The Multicultural Triangle (ch.2) & Culture: Having, Making, or Both? (ch.7); 4. Baumann - Grammars of Identity/Alterity: A...
- Samenvatting
- • 62 pagina's •
Summary Conflicts in the Middle East, MA Middle Eastern Studies (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Literature additional information during lectures and seminars. 

0. Introduction to Middle East and Islam; 1. Olivier Roy - The Politics of Chaos in the Middle East; 2. Hinnebusch & Rifai - Syria: Identity, State Formation, and Citizenship; 3. Baumann - From Dreaming to Meaning: The Multicultural Triangle (ch.2) & Culture: Having, Making, or Both? (ch.7); 4. Baumann - Grammars of Identity/Alterity: A...

Summary United Nations: A History (Stanley Meisler)
Course "International Organisations in the Middle East", summary book "United Nations: A History" (Stanley Meisler).
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 32 pagina's •
Course "International Organisations in the Middle East", summary book "United Nations: A History" (Stanley Meisler).

Islam; Brown, 3e Ed.
Allesomvattende samenvattingen van Introduction to Islam, Brown 3e Editie. Alle informatie van het boek, hoorcolleges en werkcolleges; inclusief extra informatie over termen, namen en jaartallen.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 91 pagina's •
Allesomvattende samenvattingen van Introduction to Islam, Brown 3e Editie. Alle informatie van het boek, hoorcolleges en werkcolleges; inclusief extra informatie over termen, namen en jaartallen.

Geschiedenis van het Moderne Midden-Oosten; Cleveland, 6e Ed.
Zeker genoeg om tentamen te kunnen halen. 
allesomvattende samenvatting van Geschiedenis van het Moderne Midden-Oosten; inclusief hoorcollege materiaal; extra informatie betreft termen, namen en jaartallen; 119 pagina's.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 119 pagina's •
Zeker genoeg om tentamen te kunnen halen. 
allesomvattende samenvatting van Geschiedenis van het Moderne Midden-Oosten; inclusief hoorcollege materiaal; extra informatie betreft termen, namen en jaartallen; 119 pagina's.

Qualitative research methods - Content analysis coding
Explanatory document on the process of coding: open coding and axial coding
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 6 pagina's •
Explanatory document on the process of coding: open coding and axial coding

Summary quantitative research methods for social sciences
Summary quantitative research methods for social sciences. Also very handy as a guideline for writing a thesis
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 26 pagina's •
Summary quantitative research methods for social sciences. Also very handy as a guideline for writing a thesis

Summary qualitative research methods for communication - a hands-on approach
Summary qualitative research methods for communication - a hands-on approach. Also very handy as a guideline for writing a thesis
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 37 pagina's •
Summary qualitative research methods for communication - a hands-on approach. Also very handy as a guideline for writing a thesis
Islam; Brown, 3e Ed.
Islam; Brown, 3e Ed.
Geschiedenis van het Moderne Midden-Oosten; Cleveland, 6e Ed.
Summary United Nations: A History (Stanley Meisler)
Samenvatting Geweld en Conflictbeheersing Midden-Oosten